
Why is the dictionary lookup not faster in this case?

我最近询问了 , and it turned out that the fastest way is actually a bit of a ,您首先创建所有可能的值,然后在需要时简单地查找它们。

在解决方案中,list被用作查找-table,但是,我刚刚了解到dicts should be much faster when it comes to lookup operations (see e.g. also here ).但是当我尝试 dict 作为查找 table 时, 过程实际上更慢 :

n = 200
 18 ns   18 ns   18 ns  f[n]  # list
 22 ns   22 ns   22 ns  g[n]  # dict

n = -200
 18 ns   18 ns   18 ns  f[n]  # list
 29 ns   29 ns   29 ns  g[n]  # dict

这是为什么?它与 keys 是整数而不是字符串这一事实有关吗? (另外我猜 sets 不能用在这种情况下?)

这是我的代码 运行:

from timeit import repeat

solutions = [
    'f[n]  # list',
    'g[n]  # dict',

for n in 200, -200:
    print(f'n = {n}')
    setup = f'''
n = {n}
f = [10.0 ** i for i in [*range(309), *range(-323, 0)]]
g = {{i: 10.0 ** i for i in range(-323, 309)}}
    for solution in solutions:
            ts = sorted(repeat(solution, setup, repeat=50))[:3]
        except OverflowError:
            ts = [None] * 3
            *('%3d ns ' % (t * 1e3) if t else ' error ' for t in ts), solution

collection[key_or_index] 对于 listdict 都是 O(1)。不同的是 key_or_value in collection.


这是“我的列表中 10 的 i 次方是多少?”之间的区别。与“我的列表中 x 是 10 的幂吗?”




List Dictionary
Indexing lst[i] dct[key]
Checking for presence of key/index -len(lst) <= i < len(lst) key in dct
Checking for presence of value value in lst value in dct.values()
Looping over values for value in lst for value in dct.values()
Looping over keys/indexes for i in range(len(lst)) for key in dct
Looping over both for i, value in enumerate(lst) for key, value in dct.items()