是否可以修改 LazyVGrid/LazyHGrid (SwiftUI 5.5) 中项目的位置?

Is it possible to modify the position of items in a LazyVGrid/LazyHGrid (SwiftUI 5.5)?

我对 Swift 比较陌生,有一个网格布局问题:我目前正在使用具有自适应网格项目和单列的 LazyHGrid 来灵活地布置没有预定列数的项目。我通过根据要显示的项目数设置 maxWidth 和 maxWidth 来确定显示的列数

我在下面的每个场景中试图完成的(使用也会扩大的解决方案)本质上是通过将项目从位置“”移到位置“”来调整下面示例中的位置⚪️”,消除了不紧贴边缘的“浮动孤儿”项目。 “⚫️”位置已经正确了




/* short */

/* tall */
/* short */

/* tall */
___________    ___________
      ⚫️⚫️|          ⚫️⚫️| // NOTE: I *could* constrain the height in this case
      ⚪️|          ⚫️⚫️| // to achieve the 2x2 grid but would rather not
/* short */

/* tall */
/* short */

/* tall */
/* short */

/* tall */
let items = filterItems()
let iconCount = CGFloat(items.count)
let iconSize: CGFloat = 18
let spacing: CGFloat = 2

// NOTE: `iconCount / 2` because the min-height of the parent 
// only fits two items. The current item count is 7 and it's
// unlikely that it'd ever do more than double.

let cols = CGFloat(iconCount / 2).rounded(.up)
let maxWidth = calcWidth(for: cols, iconSize: iconSize, spacing: spacing)
let minWidth = cols < 2 ? maxWidth : calcWidth(for: cols - 1, iconSize: iconSize, spacing: spacing)

  rows: Array(
    repeating: GridItem(
      .adaptive(minimum: iconSize, maximum: iconSize),
      spacing: spacing,
      alignment: .center
    count: 1
  alignment: .center,
  spacing: spacing
) {
  ForEach(0..<items.count, id: \.self) { n in

    ...item views...

.frame(minWidth: minWidth, maxWidth: maxWidth)

我的大脑一直在寻找类似于 CSS 的 FlexBox justify-content: flex-end; align-items: flex-start 的 Swift 概念,但我觉得 应该 是我所缺少的更 Flexy/Swifty 的解决方案吗?

(网格目前嵌套在一个 HStack 中,并用一个间隔符推到它父级的上尾角,有效地完成了上面提到的 Flexbox 解决方案的 align-items: flex-start 部分,如上图)


您提到这在您的 post 中不起作用,但我刚刚测试了将布局方向设置为从右到左,并且它起作用了。所有最终项目都右对齐。也许您正在测试的特定 OS 存在布局错误。完整的操场片段(在 Xcode 13 上测试):

import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport
import SwiftUI
import Foundation

let iconCount: CGFloat = 4
let iconSize: CGFloat = 18
let spacing: CGFloat = 2
let cols: CGFloat = 2
let maxWidth = calcWidth(for: cols, iconSize: iconSize, spacing: spacing)
let minWidth = cols < 2 ? maxWidth : calcWidth(for: cols - 1, iconSize: iconSize, spacing: spacing)

func calcWidth(for cols: CGFloat, iconSize: CGFloat, spacing: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
    return iconSize * cols + spacing * cols

PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = UIHostingController(rootView: {
    TabView {
        HStack {
              rows: Array(
                repeating: GridItem(
                  .adaptive(minimum: iconSize, maximum: iconSize),
                  spacing: spacing,
                  alignment: .center
                count: 1
              alignment: .center,
              spacing: spacing
            ) {
              ForEach(0..<Int(iconCount), id: \.self) { n in
                      .frame(width: iconSize, height: iconSize)
            .frame(minWidth: minWidth, maxWidth: maxWidth)
            .frame(height: iconSize * 3 + spacing * 2)
            .environment(\.layoutDirection, .rightToLeft)
            // I also tried this, but it isn't needed


这不是理想的解决方案,但一种选择是使用 3D 旋转在 Y 轴上翻转布局。我以 Playgrounds 中的简单文本视图为例:

  rows: Array(
    repeating: GridItem(
      .adaptive(minimum: iconSize, maximum: iconSize),
      spacing: spacing,
      alignment: .center
    count: 1
  alignment: .center,
  spacing: spacing
) {
  ForEach(0..<Int(iconCount), id: \.self) { n in
          .frame(width: iconSize, height: iconSize)
          .rotation3DEffect(.degrees(180), axis: (x: 0, y: 1, z: 0))
.frame(minWidth: minWidth, maxWidth: maxWidth)
.rotation3DEffect(.degrees(180), axis: (x: 0, y: 1, z: 0))