如何将树状数组和对象的嵌套数据结构转换为具有 computed/counted id 和跟踪父 id 的项目列表?

How does one convert a tree like nested data structure of arrays and objects into a list of items with computed/counted id's and tracked parent id's?

一个API returns 数组和对象的嵌套数据结构。数据以树状对象列表的形式出现,每个对象都有可能的父子关系。结构本身由以下示例代码显示。

  label: "search me",
  value: "searchme",
  children: [{

    label: "search me too",
    value: "searchmetoo",
    children: [{

      label: "No one can get me",
      value: "anonymous",
}, {
  label: "search me2",
  value: "searchme2",
  children: [{

    label: "search me too2",
    value: "searchmetoo2",
    children: [{

      label: "No one can get me2",
      value: "anonymous2",

必须将上述数据转换为一个(平面)对象数组,其中每个对象将代表一个前节点元素,但具有唯一的主键 (id)。此外,除了没有父节点的根节点外,节点的父 ID 等于其父节点的 ID(主键),因此父 ID 应为空。


  id: 1,                // DIAGID
  parentId: null,       // PARENTID
  label: "search me",   // DIAGNOSIS
  value: "searchme"     // DIAGTYPE
}, {
  id: 2,
  parentId: 1,
  label: "search me too",
  value: "searchmetoo"
}, {
  id: 3,
  parentId: 2,
  label: "No one can get me",
  value: "anonymous"
}, {
  id: 4,
  parentId: null,
  label: "search me2",
  value: "searchme2"
}, {
  id: 5,
  parentId: 4,
  label: "search me too2",
  value: "searchmetoo2"
}, {
  id: 6,
  parentId: 5,
  label: "No one can get me2",
  value: "anonymous2"

您可以对 Array#flatMap 采取递归方法并存储 parent 以供下一次调用。

此方法为所有节点递增 id

    flatTree = (id => parent => ({ children = [], ...object }) => [
        { id: ++id, ...object, parent },
    tree = [{ label: 'search me', value: 'searchme', children: [{ label: 'search me too', value: 'searchmetoo', children: [{ label: 'No one can get me', value: 'anonymous' }] }] }, { label: 'four', searchme: '4four' }],
    flat = tree.flatMap(flatTree(null));

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这是一个递归函数dfs,它通过输入树执行预序遍历,并传递一个计数器,该计数器提供 id 属性 将在输出。此外,当前节点的 id 作为 parentId 传递给递归调用:

const dfs = (children, counter={id: 1}, parentId=null) =>
    children.flatMap(({children=[], ...node}) => [{ 
    }].concat(dfs(children, counter, counter.id++)));

const response = [{label: "search me",value: "searchme",children: [{label: "search me too",value: "searchmetoo",children: [{label: "No one can get me",value: "anonymous",}],}],}, {label: "search me2",value: "searchme2",children: [{label: "search me too2",value: "searchmetoo2",children: [{label: "No one can get me2",value: "anonymous2",}],}],}];
const result = dfs(response);


function *visitNodes( root, parent = null, id = 0 ) {
  const node = {
    id : ++id,
    parentId = parent ? parent.id : null
  delete node.children;
  yield node;
  for ( const child of root.children ?? [] ) {
    yield *visitNodes(child, node, id);


for (const node of visitNodes( tree ) ) {
  // do something useful with node here


const nodes  = [...visitNodes(tree)];

或使用 Array.from():

const nodes = Array.from( visitNodes(tree) );

单个递归实现的 reduceer 功能通常可以映射和收集任何项目。

它使用一个 collector 对象作为 reduce method's 2nd argument(和 reducer 的初始值)。 collectorresult 数组收集任何项目。并且 count 不断增加并分配为收集项目的 id(以前的 DIAGID),而项目的 parentId(以前的 PARENTID)会根据需要按顺序更新始终反映当前的递归调用堆栈...

function countMapAndCollectNestedItemRecursively(collector, item) {

  let { count = 0, parentId = null, result } = collector;
  const { children = [], ...itemRest } = item;


    id: ++count,

  count = children.reduce(

    { count, parentId: count, result }


  return { count, parentId, result };

const sampleData = [{
  label: "FOO",
  value: "foo",
  children: [{

    label: "FOO BAR",
    value: "fooBar",
    children: [{

      label: "FOO BAR BAZ",
      value: "fooBarBaz",
  }, {
    label: "FOO BIZ",
    value: "fooBiz",
    children: [{

      label: "FOO BIZ BUZ",
      value: "fooBizBuz",
}, {
  label: "BAR",
  value: "bar",
  children: [{

    label: "BAR BAZ",
    value: "barBaz",
    children: [{

      label: "BAR BAZ BIZ",
      value: "barBazBiz",
      children: [{

        label: "BAR BAZ BIZ BUZ",
        value: "barBazBizBuz",
    }, {
      label: "BAR BAZ BUZ",
      value: "barBazBuz",
  }, {
    label: "BAR BIZ",
    value: "barBiz",
    children: [{

      label: "BAR BIZ BUZ",
      value: "barBizBuz",


    { result: [] },

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这个版本融合了 trincot 和 Nicholas Carey 的想法。从 trincot 的回答(实际上回答了一个不同但密切相关的问题)我窃取了他的 {ctr: id: 1} 处理。从 Nicholas 那里,我使用生成器更容易地迭代值,尽管我从那里简化了一点。


const flatten = function * (xs, ctr = {id: 1}, parent = null) {
  for (let {children = [], ...x} of xs) {
    const node = {id: ctr .id ++, parentId: parent ? parent .id : null, ...x}
    yield node
    yield * flatten (children, ctr, node)

const transform = (xs) => [...flatten (xs)]

const response = [{label: "search me", value: "searchme", children: [{label: "search me too", value: "searchmetoo", children: [{label: "No one can get me", value: "anonymous"}]}]}, {label: "search me2", value: "searchme2", children: [{label: "search me too2", value: "searchmetoo2", children: [{label: "No one can get me2", value: "anonymous2"}]}]}]

console .log (transform (response))
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