如何为多个测试 classes 创建一个通用的 MockMvc class?

How to create a general MockMvc class for multiple test classes?

我正在为许多不同的 Spring 控制器编写端到端测试。现在,我正在尝试编写一个通用的 class 用于测试,其中包含 MockMvc 执行方法。我有需要在不同控制器中调用的端点,我不想复制粘贴代码,并且在每个测试中都有一个 MockMvc 和 ObjectMapper class。


public void saveMockDish(DishDto dishDto) throws Exception {

public DishDto getMockDish(Long id) throws Exception {
    MvcResult mvcResult = mockMvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders
        .get(DISH_ENDPOINT + "/{id}", id))
    String contentAsString = mvcResult.getResponse().getContentAsString();
    return objectMapper.readValue(contentAsString, new TypeReference<>() {

我想要完成的事情(我可以​​在另一个 class 中自动装配的 bean,DishControllerTest class 中的示例):

public class AppMockMcv {
  private static final String DISH_ENDPOINT = "/dishes";
  private static final String BASE_INGREDIENTS_ENDPOINT = "/base-ingredients";

  private MockMvc mockMvc;
  private ObjectMapper objectMapper;

  public List<DishDto> getMockDishes() throws Exception {


public class DishControllerTest {

  private AppMockMcv appMockMcv;

  void testGetDishes() throws Exception {
    List<DishDto> dishes = appMockMcv.getMockDishes();
    assertEquals(4, dishes.size());
    DishAssertions.containsDish(dishes, "Pasta Carbonara");

现在我面临的问题是我无法将@AutoConfigureMockMvc 与@TestComponent 一起使用,在自动装配中找不到该bean。我还在 AppMockMcv class.

中尝试了 @Component、@TestConfiguration、@SpringBootTest 注释


No qualifying bean of type 'mtv.restaurant.mock.AppMockMcv' available: 
expected at least 1bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. 
Dependency annotations: {@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)

我没有找到太多有关如何创建仅用于测试的 bean 以及如何将其与 AutoConfigureMockMvc 结合的信息。另外,我试图找到一种方法来扩展 MockMvc 但没有成功。


呵呵,学了之后Spring Boot基本就忘得差不多了Java...

我想到的解决方案是我在 xControllerTest class 中使用 @Autowire 和 @AutoConfigureMockMvc,并创建一个 AppMockMcv @BeforeAll 测试实例,我在其中传入 MockMvc 和 ObjectMapper。

这样我就可以调用我的请求,并且只有一个 Mvc 执行方法 class。



public class AppMockMcv {
  private static final String DISH_ENDPOINT = "/dishes";
  private static final String BASE_INGREDIENTS_ENDPOINT = "/base-ingredients";

  private final MockMvc mockMvc;
  private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;

  public AppMockMcv(MockMvc mockMvc, ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
    this.mockMvc = mockMvc;
    this.objectMapper = objectMapper;

  public List<DishDto> getMockDishes() throws Exception {
    MvcResult mvcResult = mockMvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders
        .queryParam("custom", "false"))
    String contentAsString = mvcResult.getResponse().getContentAsString();
    return objectMapper.readValue(contentAsString, new TypeReference<>() {


public class DishControllerTest {

  private MockMvc mockMvc;
  private ObjectMapper objectMapper;

  private AppMockMcv appMockMcv;

  public void setup() {
    appMockMcv = new AppMockMcv(mockMvc, objectMapper);

  void testGetDishes() throws Exception {
    List<DishDto> dishes = appMockMcv.getMockDishes();
    assertEquals(4, dishes.size());
    DishAssertions.containsDish(dishes, "Pasta Carbonara");

I did not find much information on how to create a bean for testing only, also on how to combine it with AutoConfigureMockMvc. Also, I tried to find a way on how to extend MockMvc without success.

如果你在/test/java下创建bean,那么它只会在测试中使用(在大多数情况下),即使使用了组件注解。在此处查看信息 - https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/1.4.3.RELEASE/reference/html/boot-features-testing.html (40.3.2).

此外,我写了一些代码,例如,它有效(因为你没有为 Spring 提供配置,我只使用了@SpringBootApplication):


public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(Main.class, args);

包 src.test:

public class CustomMockMVc {
    public MockMvc getMockMvc() {
        return mockMvc;

    private final MockMvc mockMvc;

    public CustomMockMVc(MockMvc mockMvc) {
        this.mockMvc = mockMvc;

public class TestComponent {
    private CustomMockMVc customMockMVc;

    public void testMockMvc() {