Google 授权用户加密属性

Google Auth User Cryptic Properties

我在 Web 项目上使用 google 身份验证,我试图理解 属性 名称。屏幕截图显示了 google 返回的 user 对象。我可以这样访问 id_token




请注意,当时是 wc,现在我的 UI 代码中断了。我错过了什么?为什么使用这些 属性 名称?我该怎么做才能访问 id_token 而不管它的父 属性 名称?

这是 UI 代码:

  async authenticate(): Promise<gapi.auth2.GoogleUser> {
    // Initialize gapi if not done yet
    if (!this.gapiSetup) {
      await this.initGoogleAuth();

    // Resolve or reject signin Promise
    return new Promise(async () => {
      await this.authInstance.signIn().then(
        user => {
          this.user = user;
          console.log('this.user: ', this.user);
          this.cookieService.set('jwt', this.user.Zb.id_token, 365); // expires in one year (365 days)
          // this.cookieService.set('jwt', this.user.wc.id_token, 365); // expires in one year (365 days)

            .subscribe((data: any) => {
              this.userDto = data;            
            error => {
              console.log('error: ', error);
        error => this.error = error);

  async initGoogleAuth(): Promise<void> {
    // Create a new Promise where the resolve function is the callback passed to gapi.load
    const pload = new Promise((resolve) => {
      gapi.load('auth2', resolve);

    // When the first promise resolves, it means we have gapi loaded and that we can call gapi.init
    return pload.then(async () => {
      // ClientId safe to put here? Looks like it:
      await gapi.auth2
        .init({ client_id: '' })
        .then(auth => {
          this.gapiSetup = true;
          this.authInstance = auth;

我认为您没有按预期形式使用 SDK;我不清楚你是如何确定这是为经过身份验证的用户访问 id_token 值的正确方法,因为官方文档中没有任何地方提到它。

signIn() returns an instance of GoogleUser, on which you can call getAuthResponse(). The returned gapi.auth2.AuthResponse object 包括 id_token:

await this.authInstance.signIn().then(
    user => {
      this.user = user;
      console.log('this.user: ', this.user);
      this.cookieService.set('jwt', this.user.getAuthResponse().id_token, 365); // expires in one year (365 days)
      // …