
Enable & Disable Button On your Turn

我正在尝试配置这种类型的游戏,我有 6 名玩家连接到同一个房间。在游戏开始时,主客户端(第一个玩家回合)开始,其中 UI 按钮应该只对他启用,并且应该对所有其他玩家禁用,并且在第一个玩家单击该按钮后它将被禁用并且只有第二个玩家应该启用它,依此类推所有其他玩家。

所以我有这样的想法,当第一个或主客户端单击按钮然后 getNext() 时,循环应该遍历玩家列表,然后根据演员编号是下一个玩家。问题是我如何输入代码? 我还被建议使用自定义属性,但这对我来说是个大问题,因为我不理解它们。看了一些教程和一些文档,但我似乎不明白。 我目前没有使用 photonview 组件。


    public class GameManager : MonoBehaviourPunCallbacks
        private ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable _myCustomProperties = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable();

        private void Start()
          //onstart the master client should only be the one t view the button and click it
          //his name should be displayed when it his turn

          if (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient)
          Player_Name.text = PhotonNetwork.MasterClient.NickName + " " + "it's your turn";


        //onclcik the Button
        public void TurnButton()
            for(int i = 0; i<PhotonNetwork.Playerlist.length; i++)
              //so every click of the button a loop should iterate and check the player if is the next to see the button and click it
             //a name should also be displayed on his turn as per his nickname





public class GameManager : MonoBehaviourPunCallbacks
    private const string ACTIVE_PLAYER_KEY = "ActivePlayer";
    private const string ACTIVE_ME_FORMAT = "{0}, you it's your turn!!";
    private const string ACTIVE_OTHER_FORMAT = "Please wait, it's {0}'s turn ...";

    private Room room;

    [SerializeField] private Button button;
    [SerializeField] private Text Player_Name;

    #region MonoBehaviourPunCallbacks

    private void Awake()

        Player_Name.text = "Connecting ...";

        // Store the current room
        room = PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom;

        if (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient)
            // As master go active since usually this means you are the first player in this room

            // Get your own ID
            var myId = PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.ActorNumber;
            // and se it to active
            // Otherwise fetch the active player from the room properties

    // listen to changed room properties - this is always called if someone used "SetCustomProperties" for this room
    // This is basically the RECEIVER and counter part to SetActivePlayer below
    public override void OnRoomPropertiesUpdate(Hashtable propertiesThatChanged)
        // Maybe another property was changed but not the one we are interested in
        if(!propertiesThatChanged.TryGetValue(ACTIVE_PLAYER_KEY, out var newActiveID)) return;

        // if we got a value but it's not an int something is wrong in general
        if(!(newActiveID is int newActvieIDValue))
            Debug.LogError("For some reason \"ACTIVE_PLAYER_KEY\" is not an int!?");

        // otherwise apply the ID

    // Optional but might be important (?)
    // In the rare case that the currently active player suddenly leaves for whatever reason
    // as the master client you might want to handle this and go to the next player then
    //public override void OnPlayerLeftRoom (Player otherPlayer) 
    //    if(!PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient) return;
    //    if(!propertiesThatChanged.TryGetValue(ACTIVE_PLAYER_KEY, out var currentActiveID) && currentActiveID is int currentActiveIDValue) return;
    //    if(currentActiveIDValue != otherPlayer.ActorNumber) return;
    //    var nextPlayer = Player.GetNextFor(currentActiveIDValue);
    //    var nextPlayerID = nextPlayer.ActorNumber;
    //    SetActivePlayer(nextPlayerID);

    #endregion MonoBehaviourPunCallbacks

    // Called via onClick
    private void TurnButton()
        // this gets the next player after you sorted by the actor number (=> order they joined the room)
        // wraps around at the end
        var nextPlayer = Player.GetNext();
        // Get the id
        var nextPlayerID = nextPlayer.ActorNumber;
        // and tell everyone via the room properties that this is the new active player

    // This writes the new active player ID into the room properties
    // You can see this as kind of SENDER since the room properties will be updated for everyone
    private void SetActivePlayer(int id)
        var hash = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable();
        hash[ACTIVE_PLAYER_KEY] = id;

    // this applies all local changes according to the active player
    private void ApplyActivePlayer(int id)
        // get the according player
        var activePlayer = Player.Get(id);

        // Am I this player?
        var iAmActive = PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.ActorNumber == id;

        // Set the button active/inactive accordingly

        // Set the text accordingly
        Player_Name.text = string.Format(iAmActive ? ACTIVE_ME_FORMAT : ACTIVE_OTHER_FORMAT, activePlayer.NickName):