scrapy 递归爬行到用户定义的页面

scrapy recursive crawl upto a user defined page

这对于有经验的用户来说可能很容易,但我是 scrapy 的新手,我想要的是一个爬行到用户定义页面的蜘蛛。现在我正在尝试修改 __init__ 中的 allow pattern 但它似乎不起作用。目前我的代码摘要是:

class MySpider(CrawlSpider):

    name         = "example"
    allowed_domains    = [""]
    start_urls    = [""]
    pattern = "/[\d]+$"
    rules = [
                Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=[pattern] , restrict_xpaths=('//*[@id = "imgholder"]/a', )), callback='parse_items', follow=True),

    def __init__(self, argument='' ,*a, **kw):

        super(MySpider, self).__init__(*a, **kw)

        #some inputs and operations based on those inputs

        i = str(raw_input())    #another input

        #need to change the pattern here
        self.pattern = '/' + i + self.pattern 

        #some other operations

    def parse_items(self, response):

        hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response)
        img ='//*[@id="imgholder"]/a')    
        item = MyItem()
        item["field1"] = "something"
        item["field2"] = "something else"
        yield item

现在假设用户输入 i=2,所以我想转到以 /2/*some number* 结尾的 url,但现在发生的是蜘蛛正在抓取模式 /*some number 的任何内容。更新似乎没有传播。我正在使用 scrapy version 1.0.1.


当您调用 __init__ 方法时,Rule 已经设置了开头定义的模式。

但是您可以在 __init__ 方法中动态更改它。要做到这一点,请在方法体内再次设置 Rule 并编译它(像这样):

def __init__(self, argument='' ,*a, **kw):
    super(MySpider, self).__init__(*a, **kw)
    # set your pattern here to what you need it
    MySpider.rules = rules = [ Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=[pattern] , restrict_xpaths=('//*[@id = "imgholder"]/a', )), callback='parse_items', follow=True), ]
    # now it is time to compile the new rules:
    super(MySpider, self)._compile_rules()