如何清除聊天 NODE JS 电报机器人 (node-telegram-bot-api.)

How to clear chat NODE JS telegram bot (node-telegram-bot-api.)

大家好,我是初级 nodejs 开发人员!

我的问题:如何在写文字时清除聊天 == 类


const { chat, message_id } = message
const chatId = message.chat.id
const name = message.from.first_name
const text = message.text
// ================== on write "cls" clear chat
else if (text == 'cls') {
    bot.deleteMessage(chatId, chat.id)
    var msg = message;

我认为目前没有任何方法可以使用机器人清除整个聊天但是 您可以使用简单循环删除最后 100 条消息(仅适用于群聊,机器人应具有删除消息的管理员权限)。像这样,

const Telegram = require('node-telegram-bot-api')
const TOKEN = process.env.TOKEN || "<YOUR BOT TOKEN>";
const bot = new Telegram(TOKEN,{polling:true})
    bot.sendMessage(msg.chat.id,'Hello World!')
    //I use bot command regex to prevent bot from miss understanding any user messages contain 'cls'
bot.onText(/\/cls/,(msg)=>{for (let i = 0; i < 101; i++) {
//if there isn't any messages to delete bot simply return

希望这对你有帮助 :D

参考: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#deletemessage

Note: I'm a beginner, so if there are any mistakes, please excuse me.