
How to get the latest balance before a certain date (t-sql)

我 运行 遇到一个问题,我试图在 2020 年 4 月 30 日之前获得最新余额。

Table Customer 有以下列:

CustomerId, CustomerName, CustomerCity, CustomerCurrentBalance. 

Table Customer_Transaction_Entry 有以下列:

TransactionNumber, CustomerId, Country, Created, Amount, Details, Balance


    dbo.Customer on Customer.CustomerId = Customer_Transaction_Entry.CustomerId
    Customer_Transaction_Entry.Created < '2020-04-30'
order by 

这里的问题是我在这个日期之前得到了所有 t运行sactions。但我需要这个日期之前的最后一个,因为它是最新的,我必须将其显示为按 BalanceDate 分组的客户的当前余额。

这是 dbo.Customer_Transaction_Entry 的示例数据:

TransactionNo CustomerId Country Created Amount Details Balance
10001   1   Country1    2020-01-01  80.000000   Purchase    80.000000
10002   1   Country1    2020-02-06  20.000000   Payment 60.000000
10003   1   Country1    2020-02-06  120.000000  Purchase    180.000000
10004   1   Country1    2020-02-23  20.000000   Payment 160.000000
10005   1   Country1    2020-04-06  20.000000   Payment 140.000000
10006   1   Country1    2020-05-06  120.000000  Purchase    260.000000
10007   1   Country1    2020-06-23  20.000000   Payment 240.000000
10008   4   Country1    2020-01-01  80.000000   Purchase    80.000000
10009   4   Country1    2020-02-06  20.000000   Payment 60.000000
10010   4   Country1    2020-02-06  120.000000  Purchase    180.000000
10011   4   Country1    2020-02-23  20.000000   Payment 160.000000
10012   4   Country1    2020-04-06  20.000000   Payment 140.000000
10013   4   Country1    2020-06-23  20.000000   Payment 248.000000
10014   21  Country2    2020-01-01  80.000000   Purchase    80.000000
10015   21  Country2    2020-02-06  20.000000   Payment 60.000000
10016   21  Country2    2020-02-06  120.000000  Purchase    180.000000
10017   21  Country2    2020-02-23  20.000000   Payment 160.000000
10018   21  Country2    2020-05-09  20.000000   Payment 140.000000
10019   21  Country2    2020-05-09  142.000000  Purchase    282.000000
10020   21  Country2    2020-07-23  20.000000   Payment 262.000000
10023   4   Country1    2020-04-06  128.000000  Purchase    268.000000


CustomerId CustomerName CustomerCity CustomerCurrentBalance
1      CustomerName1    CustomerCity    NULL
2      CustomerName2    CustomerCity    NULL
3       CustomerName3   CustomerCity    NULL
4       CustomerName4   CustomerCity    NULL
6       CustomerName6   CustomerCity    NULL
13      CustomerName13  CustomerCity    NULL
21     CustomerName21   CustomerCity    NULL
22     CustomerName22   CustomerCity    NULL
23      CustomerName23  CustomerCity    NULL


BalanceDate CustomerId Country   Balance

2020-04-30   1         Country1  140
2020-04-30   4         Country1  268
2020-04-30   21        Country2  160

您可以使用 row_number() window 函数 查找每个客户的最新行:

with t as (
  select t.created as BalanceDate, t.CustomerId, t.Country, t.Balance,
    Row_Number() over(partition by t.CustomerId order by t.TransactionNo desc) rn
  from dbo.Customer c
  join dbo.Customer_Transaction_Entry t on t.CustomerId = c.CustomerId
  where t.Created < '20200430'
select BalanceDate, CustomerId, Country, Balance
from t
where rn=1

另请注意如何使用 别名 使查询更紧凑且更易于阅读。