如何在 shared_preferences 中创建布尔列表并在其中存储值

How to create a bool list in shared_preferences and store values ​there

required this.favorite,


  loadFavorite() async{
    SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
    setState(() {
      favorite= prefs.getBoolList(_favoriteButton[index])!;

  void delete() async {
    SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
    await prefs.setBool(_favoriteButton[index], false);
    setState(() {
      favorite= prefs.getBool(_favoriteButton[index])!;

  void saved() async {
    SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
    await prefs.setBool(_favoriteButton[index], true);
    setState(() {
      favorite= prefs.getBool(_favoriteButton[index])!;


  void loadFavorite() async{
    SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
    setState(() {
      favorite[0] = prefs.getBool(_favoriteButton[0])!;

是否可以从 shared_preferences 创建列表?我如何将 bool 存储为列表?

您可以尝试使用 SharedPreferences.setStringList,方法是仅将 true 最喜欢的按钮索引保存到列表中。像这样(详情见评论):

void save(int index, bool isFavorite) async {
   SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
   var favorites = prefs.getStringList('favorites')??[];

   // index as string item
   var strIndex = index.toString();

   if(isFavorite) {
     // Save index to list only if it it not exist yet.
     if(!favorites.contains(strIndex)) {
   } else {
      // Remove only if strIndex exist in list.
      if(favorites.contains(strIndex)) {

   // Save favorites back
   prefs.setStringList('favorites', favorites);

Future<bool> isFavorite(int index) async {
   SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
   var favorites = prefs.getStringList('favorites')??[];

   // index as string item
   var strIndex = index.toString();

   // If index is exist, then it is must be true.
   if(favorites.contains(strIndex) {
      return true;
   return false;  

 // All item index in list is always true
 Future<List<int>> getFavoriteIndexes() async {
   SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
   var favorites = prefs.getStringList('favorites')??[];

   var indexes = <int>[];
   for(var favIndex in favorites) {
       // return -1 if invalid fav index found
       int index = int.tryParse(favIndex) ?? -1;
       if(val != -1) {

    return indexes;


您只能在 SharedPreferences 中存储一个 List<String>,但是当 reading/writing.

// List<bool> --> List<String>
boolValues.map((value) => value.toString()).toList();

// List<String> --> List<bool>
stringValues.map((value) => value == 'true').toList();

与其将其保存为列表,不如将其单独保存为索引 prefs.setBool('favoritrButton$index', isFavorite) 其中索引将是动态的。因此,当您检索保存的布尔值时,您可以使用 prefs.getBool('favoriteButton$index');


      void save(int index, bool isFavorite) async {
         SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
          prefs.setBool('favoriteButton$index', isFavorite);


  Future<Bool> isFavorite(int index) async {
   SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
return prefs.getBool('favoritrButton$index')??true;
//?? true will return true if it's null

你可以通过这种方式保存bool list:

List<bool> favorite = <bool>[];

Future<void> loadFavorite() async{
  SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
  setState(() {
    favorite = (prefs.getStringList("userFavorite") ?? <bool>[]).map((value) => value == 'true').toList();

Future<void> delete() async {
  SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
  setState(() {
    favorite[index] = false;
  await prefs.setStringList("userFavorite", favorite.map((value) => value.toString()).toList());
  setState(() {
    favorite = (prefs.getStringList("userFavorite") ?? <bool>[]).map((value) => value == 'true').toList();

Future<void> saved() async {
  SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
  setState(() {
    favorite[index] = true;
  await prefs.setStringList("userFavorite", favorite.map((value) => value.toString()).toList());
  setState(() {
    favorite = (prefs.getStringList("userFavorite") ?? <bool>[]).map((value) => value == 'true').toList();

如果将 bool 值存储在某些生成的键下,例如 index.toString();

,则可以构建可索引的 bool 列表
List boolist = List.empty(growable: true);

void loadList() async {
    final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
    setState(() {
      prefs.getStringList('list')?.forEach((indexStr) {
        //this will add the booleans stored in prefs under the indexStr key

您现在可以根据需要使用 boollist,完成后只需保存新的 prefs Stringlist 和布尔值

void saveList() async {
        final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
        List<String> transfer = List<String>.empty(growable: true);
        //this transfer list is needed so you can store your indexes as strings
        int index = 0;
        boollist.forEach((element) {
             //here you just populate the transfer list for every value in in your boolist and save the appropiate boolean values
             prefs.setBool(index.toString(), element);
        setState(() {
            // save the new index string list
            prefs.setStringList('list', transfer);