为什么 Table 上没有滚动条?
Why no scroll bars on Table?
我试图在 table 上获得滚动条,但无论我如何尝试,它们就是不显示。这是我目前所拥有的:
# Table Frame
tree_frame = Frame(root, bg="#ecf0f1")
tree_frame.place(x=0, y=380, width=1980, height=520)
style = ttk.Style()
style.configure("mystyle.Treeview", font=('Calibri', 18),
rowheight=50) # Modify the font of the body
style.configure("mystyle.Treeview.Heading", font=('Calibri', 18)) # Modify the font of the headings
tv = ttk.Treeview(tree_frame, columns=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), style="mystyle.Treeview")
tree_scroll = Scrollbar(tree_frame)
tree_scroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
tree_scroll = Scrollbar(tree_frame,orient='horizontal')
tree_scroll.pack(side= BOTTOM,fill=X)
my_tree = ttk.Treeview(tree_frame,yscrollcommand=tree_scroll.set, xscrollcommand =tree_scroll.set)
tv.column("# 1",anchor=W, stretch=NO, width=100)
tv.heading("# 1", text="ID")
tv.column("# 2", anchor=W, stretch=NO)
tv.heading("# 2", text="Catagory")
tv.column("# 3", anchor=W, stretch=NO, width=150)
tv.heading("# 3", text="Brand")
tv.column("# 4", anchor=W, stretch=NO, width=255)
tv.heading("# 4", text="Model")
tv.column("# 5", anchor=W, stretch=NO, width=375)
tv.heading("# 5", text="Serial#")
tv.column("# 6", anchor=W, stretch=NO)
tv.heading("# 6", text="Notes")
tv['show'] = 'headings'
tv.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", getData)
滚动条在那里。问题是您在 tree_frame
上使用 place
,这会阻止 window 调整大小以适应小部件。如果您手动将 window 设置得足够大,滚动条就会变得可见。
如果您将 pack
或 grid
与适当的选项一起使用,window 将自动调整大小以使所有小部件可见。
tree_frame.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)
我试图在 table 上获得滚动条,但无论我如何尝试,它们就是不显示。这是我目前所拥有的:
# Table Frame
tree_frame = Frame(root, bg="#ecf0f1")
tree_frame.place(x=0, y=380, width=1980, height=520)
style = ttk.Style()
style.configure("mystyle.Treeview", font=('Calibri', 18),
rowheight=50) # Modify the font of the body
style.configure("mystyle.Treeview.Heading", font=('Calibri', 18)) # Modify the font of the headings
tv = ttk.Treeview(tree_frame, columns=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), style="mystyle.Treeview")
tree_scroll = Scrollbar(tree_frame)
tree_scroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
tree_scroll = Scrollbar(tree_frame,orient='horizontal')
tree_scroll.pack(side= BOTTOM,fill=X)
my_tree = ttk.Treeview(tree_frame,yscrollcommand=tree_scroll.set, xscrollcommand =tree_scroll.set)
tv.column("# 1",anchor=W, stretch=NO, width=100)
tv.heading("# 1", text="ID")
tv.column("# 2", anchor=W, stretch=NO)
tv.heading("# 2", text="Catagory")
tv.column("# 3", anchor=W, stretch=NO, width=150)
tv.heading("# 3", text="Brand")
tv.column("# 4", anchor=W, stretch=NO, width=255)
tv.heading("# 4", text="Model")
tv.column("# 5", anchor=W, stretch=NO, width=375)
tv.heading("# 5", text="Serial#")
tv.column("# 6", anchor=W, stretch=NO)
tv.heading("# 6", text="Notes")
tv['show'] = 'headings'
tv.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", getData)
''' 谁有想法?这是我的输出:
滚动条在那里。问题是您在 tree_frame
上使用 place
,这会阻止 window 调整大小以适应小部件。如果您手动将 window 设置得足够大,滚动条就会变得可见。
如果您将 pack
或 grid
与适当的选项一起使用,window 将自动调整大小以使所有小部件可见。
tree_frame.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)