Dapper F# - A Parameterless default 一个无参数的默认构造函数或一个匹配的签名

Dapper F# - A Parameterless default A parameterless default constructor or one matching signature

出于演示目的,我正在制作一个插入函数,我想 return 传入类型的变量。

我是初始查询的用户 Dapper.fsharp,然后我想 运行 原始 SQL 查询以获取最后插入的值。


let Insert<'a> asyncQuery =
        |> connection.InsertAsync<'a>
        |> RunSynchronously
        |> ignore
    (*This is a Dapper.fsharp query. Running this returns the number of rows inserted (int) *)

    let table = asyncQuery.Table (*This is a string*)
    let result = 
          connection.Query<'a>($"""Select * From {table} Where id = (select last_insert_id())""") (*Should return an IENumerable of type 'a*)
          |> EnumerableToArray
    result |> first


let newSession =
            insert {
                table "sessions"
                value newSession
            } |> Insert

其中 newSession 是会话类型

module Session
type session = {id: int; session_id: string; clerk_json: string; clerk_id: int; expires: int}
(*This is also the structure of the SQL table exactly*)


"A parameterless default constructor or one matching signature (System.Int32 id, System.String session_id, System.Int32 clerk_id, System.String clerk_json, System.Int32 expires) is required for Session+session materialization"

这向我表明它没有从数据库中获得正确的类型签名,但列名和类型匹配,table 中没有任何内容为空。


类型必须是 [<CLIMutable>]...