将 int 数组转换为字符串

convert int array to string

我想将 int 数组转换为字符串并将其反转(问题 2),但我似乎无法使其正常工作,也不知道如何修复它。我使用 sprintf 将我的 int 数组转换为字符串,但它拆分出了随机数。

第 2 题基于第 1 题,所以这里仍然需要 getsum

“getsum”用于问题 1 和 2



(Q.1)An integer n is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 
Develop a program to display each digit, starting with the rightmost digit.
Your program should also determine whether or not the number is divisible by
9. Test it on the following numbers:
n = 154368
n = 621594
n = 123456
Hint: Use the % operator to get each digit; then use / to remove that digit.
So 154368 % 10 gives 8 and 154368 / 10 gives 15436. The next digit extracted
should be 6, then 3 and so on.

(Q.2) Redo programming project 1 by reading each digit of the number to be tested
into a type char variable digit. Display each digit and form the sum of the
numeric values of the digits. Hint: The numeric value of digit is
(int) digit - (int) '0'


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int reverse(int n) {

    char str[100];
    sprintf(str, "%d", n);
    int d = atoi(_strrev(str)); //str>int//

    int arr[100];
    int i = 0;
    int display = 0;
    char digit[100];

    while (d != 0) {

        display = d % 10;
        arr[i] = display;
        d = d / 10;

        sprintf(digit, "%d", arr[i]);   //int>char!!!//
    for (i = i - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        printf("%s\n", digit);

    return 0;

int getsum(int n) {

    int sum = 0;
    while (n != 0) {
        sum = sum + n % 10;
        n = n / 10;
    return sum;

int main() {

    int n;
    int i = 0;
    printf("input n: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    printf("%d\n", reverse(n));

    printf("%d\n", getsum(n));

    return 0;

question no 2

我还想澄清一下,我在提问方面是 Whosebug 的新手,所以如果我做错了什么或没有遵循要求的格式,我很抱歉 :D

如果我是正确的,行 sprintf(digit, "%d", arr[i]) 会在您每次调用它时覆盖缓冲区 digit,因此,您最终会得到错误的答案。您可以使用第一个 sprintf() 的 return 值,这是已写入的符号数和任务提示。我们得到

// Code

int ndigits = sprintf(str, "%d", n);

// Code

char number[100];
number[ndigits--] = '[=10=]';
while (d != 0) {
    display = d % 10;
    i++; // Now there's no need for this line. The number of digits is already
         // counted
    d = d / 10;

    number[ndigits] = display + '0'; // Use the hint

UPD: 你也可以使用malloc()版本

char *number = malloc(ndigits+1); // Add one for the null terminator

// Same code

free(number); // Free in the end

您不需要反转字符串。此外,要将 int 数字转换为 char 数字,您只需要执行 char_digit = int_digit + '0'.

同样在你的代码中 for 循环中有一个错误,你应该使用不同的变量来循环(比如 j)。

int reverse(int n) {
    int d = n, i = 0;
    char digit[100] = {0};  // will initialize digit with zeros

    while (d != 0) {
        digit[i] = (d % 10) + '0';  // '0' + 1 = '1', '0' + 4 = '4'
        d = d / 10;
    for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
        printf("%c", digit[j]);

    return 0;

如果你想反向打印 n 的数字,即如果 n 是 2345 而你想打印 5432,那么只需更改 for 循环:

for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
    printf("%c", digit[j]);