来自私有存储库的 snyk 容器测试

snyk container test from private repository

我正在尝试将 snyk 与使用 podman 管理的私有托管存储库一起使用。

snyk container test --username="user" --password="pass" --platform="linux/arm64" oci.example.com/image -d

我也尝试过使用 oci.example.com/image:latest oci.example.com/image:arm64 并确保它们存在于存储库中。

我不断收到的错误是: snyk-test error: FailedToRunTestError: OCI manifest found, but accept header does not support OCI manifests

我可以直接使用 API 重现同样的错误: curl -u 'user:pass' -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json" https://oci.example.com/v2/mailpile/image/latest

这虽然有效: curl -u 'user:pass' -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json" https://oci.example.com/v2/[IMAGE]/manifests/latest

我想知道我错过了什么。可能snyk依赖了一个podman push oci.example.com/image好像没有提供的distribution.manifest,看了之后怀疑:https://podman.io/blogs/2021/10/11/multiarch.html Due to the way image-name references are internally processed, you should not use the usual podman push and podman rmi subcommands. THEY WILL NOT DO WHAT YOU EXPECT! Instead, you’ll want to use podman manifest push --all <src> <dest> and podman manifest rm <name> (similarly for buildah). These will push/remove the manifest list itself instead of the contents. Similarly for tagging if you’re on Podman v3.4, use the buildah tag command instead. 我还用 manifest inspect 验证了这个偷看,实际上它似乎只附加图像,默认情况下没有 distribution.manifest。

OpenSUSE Debian Podman 仓库最新版本:

$ podman --version
podman version 3.3.1
$ buildah --version
buildah version 1.21.3 (image-spec 1.0.1-dev, runtime-spec 1.0.2-dev)

摘自文章 The podman tag command is broken for manifest lists in v3.4, but works in Buildah v1.23.1. 我不完全确定这意味着什么以及这对我的情况有何影响。


podman push oci.example.com/image:arm64
podman manifest add oci.example.com/image:latest docker://oci.example.com/image:arm64
podman manifest push --all oci.example.com/image:latest docker://oci.example.com/image:latest

然后运行 snyk container test --username="user" --password="pass" --platform="linux/arm64" oci.example.com/image -d

仍然得到同样的错误: snyk-test error: FailedToRunTestError: OCI manifest found, but accept header does not support OCI manifests 如果我尝试 :arm64


但正在尝试 :latest 标签。 snyk container test --username="user" --password="pass" --platform="linux/arm64" oci.example.com/image:latest -d snyk-test error: FailedToRunTestError: Cannot read property 'digest' of undefined

我尝试从注册表中删除图像并重新开始: curl -u 'user:pass' -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json" https://oci.example.com/v2/image/manifests/latest

curl -u "user:pass" -X "DELETE" https://oci.example.com/v2/image/manifests/sha256:1298754b84f5fa37425cd5c2ccc4eb7a1f70433611ad430e467d8e8d52caeced



podman build --format=docker -t oci.example.com/image .

podman push oci.example.com/image oci.example.com/image