service worker - 渐进式网络应用程序的渐进式缓存 - 如何逐步加载文件组

service worker - Progressive caching for a progressive web app - How to load groups of files step by step


self.addEventListener("fetch", event => {
  event.respondWith( caches.match(event.request)
    .then( cachedResponse => {
      return cachedResponse || fetch(event.request);
    } )

const cacheName0 = "bare-bones-of-the-app";
const mainResourcesToPrecache = [

self.addEventListener("install", event => {
  event.waitUntil( => {
      return cache.addAll(mainResourcesToPrecache);

到目前为止一切顺利。 现在假设这个 PWA 是一个游戏,用户在一个接一个地完成关卡时取得进步。假设我们有,

const cacheName1 = "level-1";
const resourcesForLevel1 = [
const cacheName2 = "level-2";
const resourcesForLevel2 = [
// etc


缓存存储 API 的好处在于,相同的缓存在 ServiceWorkerGlobalScopeWindow 上下文中公开。因此,您可以执行您的建议,而无需向 Service Worker 发送消息,要求它为您缓存内容。


async function cacheLevel(levelNumber) {
  // Make sure this matches the cache name you use in the SW.
  const cacheName = `level-${levelNumber};

  // Assume there's a levelNumber => URLs mapping function.
  const urls = getURLsForLevel(levelNumber);

  const cache = await;
  await cache.addAll(urls);

(使用 postMessage() 与 Service Worker 通信也是一种选择,但对于您的用例而言不是必需的。)