Enterprise Architect:GetBaselines 在 python 中不起作用

Enterprise Architect: GetBaselines does not work in python

我编写了一个 Python 函数来从 PackageGUI 中检索基线:

def get_baselines(pkgguid):
    """ Get list of baselines for package """
    rep = win32com.client.Dispatch("EA.App").Repository
    rep.GetPackageByGuid(pkgguid) # Works
    print("pgkname: ", pkg.Name) # This works
    project = rep.GetProjectInterface() # Works
    print ("guid xml: ", project.GUIDtoXML(pkgguid), "GUID: ", pkgguid) # Works
    pkgxml = project.GetBaselines(project.GUIDtoXML(pkgguid)) # Throws Error
    print (pkgxml) # Not reached


File "C:\devel\EnterpriseArchitect\ea_scripts\dbops.py", line 44, in get_baselines
pkgxml = project.GetBaselines(project.GUIDtoXML(pkgguid))
File "<COMObject GetProjectInterface>", line 3, in GetBaselines
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352571, 'Type mismatch.', None, 1)

我之前没有使用过任何Project Interface,所以可能是输入格式有误?

参见 the documentation

GetBaselines (string PackageGUID, string ConnectString)


Notes: Returns a list (in XML format) of Baselines associated with the supplied Package GUID.


  • PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package to get Baselines for
  • ConnectString: String - not currently used


pkgxml = project.GetBaselines(project.GUIDtoXML(pkgguid), "")