如何使用 azure 数据工厂将数据从 azure SQL 数据库增量存储到 azure blob 存储,基于一些 conditions:date 需要更新

How to store data incrementallyfrom azure SQL database to azure blob storage using azure data factory,based on some conditions:date need to be updated

我需要将一些数据从 sql 服务器存储到 azure blob 存储,其中 sql 服务器中的数据将被更新,并且时间戳将与它一起提及,并且每当我将它存储在存储中,它将用它记录一些时间戳。所以根据条件,如果 sql 服务器中的时间戳大于 blob 存储中的时间戳,我需要迁移该数据 i tried migrating by moving the data from sql server to storage account, but there might be some changes in future in the sql server so based on that how to migrate the new data periodically



If you do have timestamp column in your source database to identify the new or updated rows, but do not want to create any external control table to achive delta copy, you can go to "copy data tool" to get a pipeline, which use trigger scheduled time as a variable to read the new rows only from source database.

View documentation from MS for detailed walkthrough