包含 javascript 中的枚举等价物的列表理解

list comprehension containing enumerate equivalent in javascript


guessed_index = [
        i for i, letter in enumerate(self.chosen_word)
        if letter == self.guess

ES6 等价物中不存在枚举和列表理解,我如何将这两种想法合二为一


const word = "Hello";
const guess = "o";
const guessed_index = [...word].findIndex(letter => letter === guess);

关注问题的可迭代/enumerate 部分,而不是您正在执行的特定任务:您可以实现 Python's enumerate using a generator function 的 JavaScript 类似物,并使用结果通过 for-of 生成器(它是可迭代对象的超集)(如果您愿意,也可以手动生成):

function* enumerate(it, start = 0) {
    let index = start;
    for (const value of it) {
        yield [value, index++];

const word = "hello";
const guess = "l";
const guessed_indexes = [];
for (const [value, index] of enumerate(word)) {
    if (value === guess) {
console.log(`guessed_indexes for '${guess}' in '${word}':`, guessed_indexes);


function* matchingIndexes(word, guess) {
    let index = 0;
    for (const letter of word) {
        if (letter === guess) {
            yield index;

const word = "hello";
const guess = "l";
const guessed_indexes = [...matchingIndexes(word, guess)];

console.log(`guessed_indexes for '${guess}' in '${word}':`, guessed_indexes);

为了不精通 python 的潜在读者清楚起见,下面是相当于您的理解的 python 循环:

guessed_index = []
i = 0
for letter in self.chosen_word:
    if letter == self.guess:
    i += 1