
Matching up responses of two different data sets and adding parts of one to the other

我在 R 中有两个不相关的数据集。

数据集 A 包含数百个作为实验响应给出的单词。有些词出现了好几次,每个参与者有 25 个响应,有 112 个参与者。它的格式如下:

ID  Duration  Gender  Age  response1  response1_rt  response2  response2_rt  response3  response3_rt ...
1     2910      2     26     word        3.55          apple      2.89          house       4.21     ...
2     1873      1     20     paper       2.53          hungry     3.25          tent        2.55     ...
...   ...         ...           ...        ...           ...         ...      ...
112   3420      2     18     pen         1.83          salad      4.26          family      3.22     ...

数据集 B 包含数千个已在不同维度上进行评级的单词。它的格式如下:

        Word        measure1  measure2  measure3 ...
1       aardvark    6.26       2.21      19.00   ...
2       abalone     5.3        1.59      20.00   ...
...     ...         ...        ...       ...     ...
8690    paper       5.42       1.62      40      ...
...     ...         ...        ...       ...     ... 
13915   zucchini    6.3        2.36      20      ...

我想在每个响应旁边向数据集 A 添加新列,显示赋予数据集 B measure1 中单词的值,如果该单词未出现在数据集中,则显示 NA...


ID   Duration  Gender  Age  response1   measure1.r1   response1_rt  response2  measure1.r2  response2_rt  response3...
1     2910       2     26    word         5.05         3.55          apple        NA        2.89          house
2     1873       1     20    paper        5.42         2.53          hungry       3.54      3.25          tent
112   3420       2     18    pen          5.63         1.83          salad        6.35      4.26          family



dataset_a <- structure(list(Duration = c("2910", "3515", "5096", 
"2702", "2175", "2162"), Gender = c("2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "3"
), Age = c("19", "18", "38", "27", "20", "20"), response1 = c("Clock", 
"clock", "clock", "space", "clock", "clock"), response1_rt = c("4.781", 
"4.24", "12.351", "3.841", "5.912", "6.658"), response2 = c("Dress", 
"human", "cat", "woman", "stick figure", "hood"), response2_rt = c("4.77", 
"4.476", "4.214", "4.494", "3.735", "4.998"), response3 = c("2002", 
"date", "party", "2022", "calendar", "month"), response3_rt = c("3.557", 
"2.82", "7.517", "4.371", "4.868", "4.219")), row.names = c(NA, 
-6L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))

dataset_b <- structure(list(Word = c("abandon", "alarm_clock", "calendar", "chip", 
"doll", "dress", "fig", "hotel", "human", "kayak", "light", "part", 
"string", "woman", "zone"), measure1 = c("6.26", 
"5.3", "2.84", "2.63", "5.85", "5.43", "4.48", "2.42", "2.05", 
"5.52", "5.57", "4", "5.15", "3.53", "3.05"), measure2 = c(2.21, 
1.59, 1.54, 1.74, 1.69, 1.75, 1.59, 1.61, 1.31, 1.75, 1.75, 1.29, 
1.79, 1.22, 1.81), measure3 = c(19, 20, 19, 30, 20, 21, 23, 
19, 36, 21, 23, 19, 20, 40, 19)), row.names = c(NA, -15L), class = c("tbl_df", 
"tbl", "data.frame"), problems = structure(list(expected = c("a double", "1/0/T/F/TRUE/FALSE", "a double", 
"1/0/T/F/TRUE/FALSE", "a double", "1/0/T/F/TRUE/FALSE", "a double", 
"1/0/T/F/TRUE/FALSE"), actual = c("entering", "12", "auto", "10", 
"B", "8", "State", "13")), row.names = c(NA, -8L
), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")))

这是 tidyverse 中的解决方案。为了避免一些曲折的解析,我保留了名称略有不同的列,并且顺序与您描述的不同。但是,数据的基本结构和内容符合要求。



# ...
# Code to generate your 'responses' and 'words' datasets.
# ...

# Filter the desired measures.
words <- words %>%
  # Pivot the 'measure*' columns into the two columns:
  # - 'm': which measure for that word
  # - 'measure': the value measured
    cols = matches("measure\d+"),
    names_to = c(".value", "m"),
    names_pattern = "(measure)(\d+)",
    # Homogenize everything within the new columns:
    values_transform = list(
      # Decimals within 'measure'
      measure = as.double,
      # Integers within 'm'
      m = as.integer
  ) %>%
  # Filter down to desired measures by number.
  filter(m %in% c(
    # You want only measure #1.
    1 #, 2, 3, ...
  )) %>%
  # Pivot back to the original 'measure*' format, now with only the desired
  # columns.
    names_from = m,
    values_from = measure,
    names_glue = "{.value}{.name}"

# Match the measures into the responses.
measured_responses <- responses %>%
  # Pivot the 'response*' columns into two columns:
  # - 'n': which response for that ID
  # - 'response': the word itself
    cols = matches("^response\d+$"),
    names_to = c(".value", "n"),
    names_pattern = "^(response)(\d+)$",
    # Homogenize everything within the new columns:
    values_transform = list(
      # Strings within 'response'
      response = as.character,
      # Integers within 'n'
      n = as.integer
  ) %>%
  # Match by word the responses with their measures; and retain (via LEFT join)
  # the responses that lack matches.
    by = c("response" = "Word")
  ) %>%
  # Pivot the dataset back into its original 'response*' format, now with the
  # new 'measure*.*' columns included.
    names_from = n,
    values_from = c(response, matches("measure\d+")),
    names_sep = "."

# View the results.


给定一个这样的 responses 数据集

responses <- tibble::tribble(
  ~ID, ~Duration, ~Gender, ~Age, ~response1, ~response1_rt, ~response2, ~response2_rt, ~response3, ~response3_rt, # ...
  1,   2910,      2,       26,   "word",     3.55,          "apple",    2.89,          "house",    4.21,          # ...
  2,   1873,      1,       20,   "paper",    2.53,          "hungry",   3.25,          "tent",     2.55,          # ...
  112, 3420,      2,       18,   "pen",      1.83,          "salad",    4.26,          "family",   3.22           # ...

和这样的 words 数据集

words <- tibble::tribble(
  ~Word,      ~measure1, ~measure2, ~measure3, # ...
  "apple",    5.19,      1.84,      25.00,     # ...
  "paper",    5.42,      1.62,      40,        # ...
  "pen",      5.63,      1.71,      20,        # ...
  "salad",    6.07,      2.19,      40,        # ...
  "tent",     4.96,      1.55,      30,        # ...
  "word",     5.05,      2.26,      19.00,     # ...

此解决方案应生成如下 measured_responses 数据集:

# A tibble: 3 x 13
     ID Duration Gender   Age response1_rt response2_rt response3_rt response.1 response.2 response.3 measure1.1 measure1.2 measure1.3
  <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>        <dbl>        <dbl>        <dbl> <chr>      <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
1     1     2910      2    26         3.55         2.89         4.21 word       apple      house            5.05       5.19      NA   
2     2     1873      1    20         2.53         3.25         2.55 paper      hungry     tent             5.42      NA          4.96
3   112     3420      2    18         1.83         4.26         3.22 pen        salad      family           5.63       6.07      NA