如何使用 PageSpeedInsights API 和 Google Apps 脚本将 Google Lighthouse 报告发送到 Slack

How to send Google Lighthouse reports to Slack using PageSpeedInsights API and Google Apps Script

我想通过 Slack 定期更新我网站的速度。 如何使用 Google Apps 脚本实现此目的?


获得这些后,转到 https://script.google.com/home 并创建一个新脚本。

var mobileData = fetchDataFromPSI('mobile');
var desktopData = fetchDataFromPSI('desktop');

function pageSpeedApiEndpointUrl(strategy) {
  const apiBaseUrl = 'https://www.googleapis.com/pagespeedonline/v5/runPagespeed';
  const websiteHomepageUrl = ''; // Your website
  const apikey = ''; // Your API key
  const apiEndpointUrl = apiBaseUrl + '?url=' + websiteHomepageUrl + '&key=' + apikey + '&strategy=' + strategy;
  return apiEndpointUrl;
function fetchDataFromPSI(strategy) {
  const pageSpeedEndpointUrl = pageSpeedApiEndpointUrl(strategy);
  const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(pageSpeedEndpointUrl);
  const json = response.getContentText();
  const parsedJson = JSON.parse(json);
  const lighthouse = parsedJson['lighthouseResult']
  const originLoadingExperience = parsedJson['originLoadingExperience']

  const result = {
    'overall_performance': originLoadingExperience['overall_category'],
    'score': lighthouse['categories']['performance']['score']*100,
    'firstContentfulPaint': lighthouse['audits']['first-contentful-paint']['displayValue'],
    'speedIndex': lighthouse['audits']['speed-index']['displayValue'],
    'timeToInteractive': lighthouse['audits']['interactive']['displayValue'],
    'firstMeaningfulPaint': lighthouse['audits']['first-meaningful-paint']['displayValue'],
  return result; 
function composeMessageForSlack() {
  const message = {
    'blocks': [
      'type': 'section',
      'text': {
        'type': 'mrkdwn',
        'text': '*Website performance on Prod:*'
     'attachments': [
        'blocks': [
            'type': 'section',
            'text': {
              'type': 'mrkdwn',
              'text': 'Performance on Mobile :point_down:'
          'type': 'section',
          'text': {
              'type': 'mrkdwn',
              'text': 'Score = ' + mobileData['score'] + 
                      '\n\nFirst Contentful Paint = ' + mobileData['firstContentfulPaint'] + 
                      '\n\nSpeed Index = ' + mobileData['speedIndex'] + 
                      '\n\nTime To Interactive = ' + mobileData['timeToInteractive'] +
                      '\n\nFirst Meaningful Paint = ' + mobileData['firstMeaningfulPaint'] + 
                      '\n\nOverall Performance is = ' + mobileData['overall_performance'] + '\n\n'
          'type': 'divider'
          'type': 'section',
          'text': {
            'type': 'mrkdwn',
            'text': 'Performance on Desktop :point_down:'
          'type': 'section',
          'text': {
              'type': 'mrkdwn',
              'text': 'Score = ' + desktopData['score'] + 
                      '\n\nFirst Contentful Paint = ' + desktopData['firstContentfulPaint'] + 
                      '\n\nSpeed Index = ' + desktopData['speedIndex'] + 
                      '\n\nTime To Interactive = ' + desktopData['timeToInteractive'] +
                      '\n\nFirst Meaningful Paint = ' + desktopData['firstMeaningfulPaint'] +
                      '\n\nOverall Performance is = ' + desktopData['overall_performance'] + '\n\n'
  return message;
function postDataToSlack() {
  const slackWebhookUrl = ''; //Your Slack webhook url

  const payload = composeMessageForSlack();
  const options = {
    'method' : 'post',
    'contentType' : 'application/json',
    'payload' : JSON.stringify(payload)
  return UrlFetchApp.fetch(slackWebhookUrl, options);
function doGet() {
  return ContentService.createTextOutput('Website Performance retrieval successfull!');

测试代码并确保其正常工作后,确定报告的频率 using triggers