如何将 SWIG 类型映射_仅_应用于特定函数?

How do I apply a SWIG typemap to _only_ a specific function?


const char* returnBinaryData( int arg1, int arg2, size_t ret_length );

因为还有其他具有相同 return 类型的函数,我 不想 触摸。

const char* getName( int arg1, int arg2 );

有没有办法将 (out) 类型映射应用于特定函数(使用其名称,而不是其参数列表)?

(我将 SWIG 与 Python 一起使用。)

更新:针对 类

其中一个复杂因素是我要包装的函数是一个 class 方法。


class A {
    char datum[16];
    char name[32];
    A( int32_t seed ) : name("sample name") {
        for (int i=0;i<16;i++) datum[i] = static_cast<char>(((i*i+seed) % 64) + '0');
    const char* getName() {
        return name;
    const char* getBinaryData( int32_t arg1, int32_t length ) {
        auto s = new char[length];
        for (int i=0;i<length;i++) s[i] = datum[(arg1 + i) % sizeof(datum)];
        return s;

需要更改什么才能“重命名”包装器以将其用作 class 方法?

我尝试确定重命名操作的范围,但它生成的包装代码没有达到我的要求。 (AFAICT,文档并不完全清楚这样做。)



%module test

const char* getName(int arg1, int arg2) {
    static char s[] {"something"};
    return s;

const char* returnBinaryData(int arg1, int arg2, size_t ret_length) {
    auto s = new char[ret_length];
    for(size_t i = 0; i < ret_length; ++i)
        s[i] = static_cast<char>(i % 256);
    return s;

// wrapper to allow custom typemap
void mygetbin(int arg1, int arg2, size_t length, const char** output) {
    *output = returnBinaryData(arg1, arg2, length);

%include <exception.i>

// Input typemap that expects a Python integer input for this precise pair of parameters
%typemap(in) (size_t length, const char** output) (char* out = nullptr) %{
     = &out;
        SWIG_exception(SWIG_TypeError, "expected integer");
     = PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong($input);

// A Python bytes object will be returned that Python will manage,
// so free the C++ allocation to prevent a memory leak.
%typemap(freearg) (size_t length, const char** output) %{
    delete[] *;

// Append the output argument to the return value.
%typemap(argout) (size_t length, const char** output) %{
    $result = SWIG_Python_AppendOutput($result, PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(*, ));

%ignore returnBinaryData; // necessary if getName and returnBinaryData included via %include "someheader.h"

// Process this function normally with default handling of char* output.
// This could be %include "someheader.h" instead, and all the functions would be swigged except
// for the ignored function.
const char* getName(int arg1, int arg2);

// Explicitly rename the wrapper and process it.
%rename(returnBinaryData) mygetbin;
void mygetbin(int arg1, int arg2, size_t length, const char** output);


>>> import test
>>> test.getName(1,2)
>>> test.returnBinaryData(1,2,10)