
How to presenting the results in the following manner:


for item in association_results:
    pair = item[0]
    items = [x for x in pair]
    value0 = str(items[0])
    value1 = str(items[1])
    value2 = str(item[1])[:7]
    value3 = str(item[2][0][2])[:7]
    value4 = str(item[2][0][3])[:7]
    rows = (value0,value1,value2,value3,value4)
    Labels =['Title1','Title2','Support','Confidence','Lift']
    store_suggestion = pd.DataFrame.from_records(results,columns=Labels)


Title1       Title2  Support Confidence     Lift
0  chicken  light cream  0.00453    0.29059  4.84395
     Title1                Title2  Support Confidence     Lift
0   chicken           light cream  0.00453    0.29059  4.84395
1  escalope  mushroom cream sauce  0.00573    0.30069  3.79083
     Title1                Title2  Support Confidence     Lift
0   chicken           light cream  0.00453    0.29059  4.84395
1  escalope  mushroom cream sauce  0.00573    0.30069  3.79083
2  escalope                 pasta  0.00586    0.37288  4.70081
          Title1                Title2  Support Confidence     Lift
0        chicken           light cream  0.00453    0.29059  4.84395
1       escalope  mushroom cream sauce  0.00573    0.30069  3.79083
2       escalope                 pasta  0.00586    0.37288  4.70081
3  herb & pepper           ground beef  0.01599    0.32345  3.29199
          Title1                Title2  Support Confidence     Lift
0        chicken           light cream  0.00453    0.29059  4.84395
1       escalope  mushroom cream sauce  0.00573    0.30069  3.79083
2       escalope                 pasta  0.00586    0.37288  4.70081
3  herb & pepper           ground beef  0.01599    0.32345  3.29199
4   tomato sauce           ground beef  0.00533    0.37735  3.8406

但我想以下列方式呈现结果: enter image description here


Pandas DataFrame 是一种二维表格数据表示形式,因此我相信您无法使用 Pandas DataFrame 实现您想要做的事情。 但是如果想以表格的方式表示它;

for item in association_results:
    pair = item[0]
    items = [x for x in pair]

    value0 = str(items[0])
    value1 = str(items[1])
    value2 = str(item[1])[:7]
    value3 = str(item[2][0][2])[:7]
    value4 = str(item[2][0][3])[:7]
    value5 = value0 + " -> " + value1

    rows = (value5,value2,value3,value4)


store_suggestion = pd.DataFrame.from_records(results,columns=Labels)

如果您试图获得所需的输出而不是使用 Pandas DataFrame,只需尝试使用 python 循环来解决。 将第一个代码片段的最后两行替换为以下行将提供所需的输出

for data in results:
    for i in range(len(data)):
        print(Labels[i]+ ": "+ data[i])