SnakeYAML - 文档和项目主页在哪里(它还活着吗)?

SnakeYAML - Where is documentation and project homepage (is it still alive)?

我正在尝试弄清楚如何精细控制 SnakeYaml(本地标签)中的特定功能。

很遗憾,我好像找不到项目主页或者Snake Yaml的仓库?

我找到的所有参考资料都指向一个网站,它似乎被黑了(www dot snakeyaml dot org - 没有把 link 放在这里,因为该网站显然被黑了)或指向一个 bitbucket 存储库,它是私人的。

那个项目还活着吗?如果没有,是否有人拥有最新版本的原始源代码(我假设它是开源的,但甚至找不到)谁可以在 public github 上发布它以便工作可以继续吗?

引自mailing list

Dear all,
important news.
The SnakeYAML team was using domain a few years.
From this year on the domain was not continued any longer.
Please refer to the new home:

And its mirror:

As you can see there is an important change, the project went away from the personal account.

Cheers, Andrey
