如何在 Java 中点击控制器之前消除特殊字符?

How to eliminate special characters before hitting the controller in Java?

我有一个用例,我需要验证我的控制器的传入请求正文是否包含 Hybris 店面中的任何特殊字符。虽然可以通过屏蔽任何特殊字符从前端实现,但我们需要后端验证。

我尝试使用 HandlerIntercepterAdapter 拦截请求并验证任何特殊字符。但是每当我使用 request.getReader()request.getInputStream() 并读取数据时,请求正文都会被清除。 我尝试使用 IOUtils.copy() 但这也从原始请求中读取并使正文为空。 即使在使用 HttpServletRequestWrapperContentCachingRequestWrapper 包装请求之后,请求正文也会被清除。我猜它在内部某处使用相同的参考。 我尝试关注 this thread 但无法解决此问题。


any alternative approach which can help in preventing any special characters to hit the controller.


  1. 获取请求正文
  2. 处理它
  3. 通过将正文设置为已处理版本,在您的过滤器中再次设置请求正文?
    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
        HttpServletRequest originalRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
        HttpServletResponse originalResponse = (HttpServletResponse) response;

         * 2.Read the original request body and change it
        String originalRequestBody = ServletUtil.readRequestBody(originalRequest); // Read the original request body
        // Body is processed here !
        String modifyRequestBody = processBody(originalRequestBody); // Modify request body (clear text)
        HttpServletRequest orginalRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
        ModifyRequestBodyWrapper requestWrapper = new ModifyRequestBodyWrapper(orginalRequest, modifyRequestBody);

         * 3. Build a new response object
        ModifyResponseBodyWrapper responseWrapper = new ModifyResponseBodyWrapper(originalResponse);
        chain.doFilter(requestWrapper, responseWrapper);
        String originalResponseBody = responseWrapper.getResponseBody(); // Original response body (clear text)
        String modifyResponseBody = this.encryptBody(originalResponseBody); // Modified response volume (ciphertext)

         * 4.Output the modified response body with the output stream of the original response object
         * To ensure that the response type is consistent with the original request, and reset the response body size
        originalResponse.setContentType(requestWrapper.getOrginalRequest().getContentType()); // Be consistent with the request
        byte[] responseData = modifyResponseBody.getBytes(responseWrapper.getCharacterEncoding()); // The coding is consistent with the actual response
        @Cleanup ServletOutputStream out = originalResponse.getOutputStream();




    @RequestMapping(value = "/process", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String doValidateAndPost(final MyForm form, final BindingResult bindingResult,
        final HttpServletRequest request, final Model model){

        getMyValidator().validate(form, bindingResult);
        if (bindingResult.hasErrors())
            return MY_PAGE;


public void validate(final Object object, final Errors errors)
    final MyForm form = (MyForm ) object;

    final String data = form.getMyData();
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[^a-z0-9 ]", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);

    Matcher m = p.matcher(data );

    boolean b = m.find();

    if (b)
        errors.rejectValue("myData", "myData.invalid");

您还可以使用 @Valid 注释:

public String doValidateAndPost(@Valid final MyForm form ...


@Pattern(regexp = "[a-z0-9 ]")
private String myData;