为什么 Julia 中的 Effects 包在 MixedModels 输出后返回错误?

Why Effects package in Julia is returning an error following the output of MixedModels?

我想 运行 两个预测变量之间的平均边际效应:教育和失业率。虽然 Julia 中的包 Effects 可以做到这一点,但我遇到了一个错误,我将在下面描述。首先,我展示了运行良好的代码以及我从 运行 宁 MixedModels 包中获得的结果。其次,我展示了代码中不起作用的部分。

using Arrow, Effects, DataFrames, MixedModels, PooledArrays, FreqTables
dffnm = "df4_full"
df = DataFrame(Arrow.Table(dffnm))

df1 = DataFrame( 
    unemploy = disallowmissing(df.macro_unemployment),
    workhours_imputed = df.workhours_imputed,
    education = PooledArray(df.education),
    id = PooledArray(string.(disallowmissing(df.id))),
    age = Int8.(disallowmissing(df.age)) .- Int8(42), # center the age at 42
    sex = PooledArray(df.sex),)

form1 = @formula workhours_imputed ~ 1 + sex + age  + education + education * unemploy + sex * unemploy + (1|id)

contr = Dict(nm => Grouping() for nm in (:country, :country_year, :id))

contr = Dict(:country => Grouping(),
             :country_year => Grouping(),
             :id => Grouping(),
             :sex => DummyCoding(base="Female"),
             :education => DummyCoding(base="Tertiary"))

m1 = @time fit(MixedModel, form1, df1, contrasts=contr)


目前一切正常。目的是 运行 教育和失业对工作时间的平均边际效应。然而,我想我会从一个更简单的例子开始,它只是取教育的平均边际效应(我在这里遵循他们的例子:https://beacon-biosignals.github.io/Effects.jl/stable/#Interaction-Terms-in-Effects):

design = Dict(:education => unique(df1))
effects(design, m1)


MethodError: no method matching effects!(::Dict{Symbol, DataFrame}, ::LinearMixedModel{Float64})
    Closest candidates are:
      effects!(::DataFrame, ::StatsBase.RegressionModel; eff_col, err_col, typical) at /Users/jmoawad/.julia/packages/Effects/B3CEy/src/regressionmodel.jl:40
     [1] top-level scope
       @ In[28]:1
     [2] eval
       @ ./boot.jl:360 [inlined]
     [3] include_string(mapexpr::typeof(REPL.softscope), mod::Module, code::String, filename::String)
       @ Base ./loading.jl:1116

有人可以帮我解决这个问题吗?我也不确定如何 运行 教育和失业率之间相互作用的平均边际效应。

基于@sundar 和@Peter Deffebach(来自另一个线程)的建议。


你必须在 运行 模型之后过滤缺失的第一个教育:

filter!(!ismissing, df1.education)


design = Dict(:education => ["Tertiary","Below upper-secondary"],:unemploy => [5,10,15,20,25])


effects(design, m1)