MySQL 中是否有一种方法可以使用视图未涵盖的 table 中的数据更新视图?

Is there a way in MySQL to update a view with data from a table that is not covered by the view?

我有两个表,test1 和 test2:


| id | name  |
| -- | ----- |
| 1  | Steve |
| 2  | Phil  |
| 3  | Tony  |


| id | name  |
| -- | ----- |
| 4  | Peter |
| 5  | Perry |

从 test1 创建了一个视图 CREATE VIEW test_view AS SELECT * from test1;

我想用 test2 的数据更新此 test_view。


| id | name  |
| -- | ----- |
| 1  | Steve |
| 2  | Phil  |
| 3  | Tony  |
| 4  | Peter |
| 5  | Perry |



create table a (id int, name varchar(255));
create table b (id int, name varchar(255));

insert into a values (1, "c"), (2, "d");
insert into a values (5, "zz"), (6, "ff");
insert into b values (1, "a"), (2, "b");

create view c as select * from a union select * from b;

select  * from c;
| id   | name |
|    1 | a    |
|    2 | b    |
|    1 | c    |
|    2 | d    |
|    5 | zz   |
|    6 | ff   |

根据 Solarflare -

A view is just the result of a query. The "content" of a view changes when you change the underlying data (e.g. table test1) - and it doesn't change if you don't change the underlying data

因此,当我执行 test1 = test1.append(test2) 时,我从底层 test1 数据帧创建的 test_view 会自动更新。