在 R 中拆分不均匀的字符串 - 可变子字符串和分隔符

Split uneven string in R - variable substring and delimiters


我正在处理 FASTA 文件,更准确地说是 FASTA headers,它看起来像这样: sp|Q2UVX4|CO3_BOVIN 补C3 OS=Bos taurus OX=9913 GN=C3 PE=1 SV= 2

我需要提取粗体文本。第一个粗体文本是蛋白质名称。第二个粗体是基因名称。请注意,它们各不相同,我从同一字符串中的多个 fasta header 开始分析。 只有第一个header重要,其余的都是废话。这是一个例子:

> proteinGroups$Fasta.headers
[1] "sp|Q2UVX4|CO3_BOVIN Complement C3 OS=Bos taurus OX=9913 GN=C3 PE=1 SV=2;tr|A0A0F6QNP7|A0A0F6QNP7_BOVIN C3-beta-c OS=Bos taurus OX=9913 GN=C3 PE=2 SV=1;tr|A0A3Q1MHV6|A0A3Q1MHV6_BOVIN C3-beta-c OS=Bos taurus OX=9913 GN=C3 PE=1 SV=1;tr|A0A3Q1M2B2|A0A3Q1M2B2_B"
[2] "tr|A0A3Q1MB98|A0A3Q1MB98_BOVIN Haptoglobin OS=Bos taurus OX=9913 GN=HP PE=3 SV=1;sp|Q2TBU0|HPT_BOVIN Haptoglobin OS=Bos taurus OX=9913 GN=HP PE=2 SV=1;tr|A0A0M4MD57|A0A0M4MD57_BOVIN Haptoglobin OS=Bos taurus OX=9913 GN=HP PE=2 SV=1;tr|G3X6K8|G3X6K8_BOVIN H"
[3] "tr|A0A3Q1LH05|A0A3Q1LH05_BOVIN Anion exchange protein OS=Bos taurus OX=9913 GN=SLC4A7 PE=3 SV=1"                                                                                                                                                                 
[4] "sp|P81282-4|CSPG2_BOVIN Isoform V3 of Versican core protein OS=Bos taurus OX=9913 GN=VCAN;sp|P81282-3|CSPG2_BOVIN Isoform V2 of Versican core protein OS=Bos taurus OX=9913 GN=VCAN;tr|F1MZ83|F1MZ83_BOVIN Versican core protein OS=Bos taurus OX=9913 GN=VCAN P"
[5] "tr|A6QNZ7|A6QNZ7_BOVIN Keratin 10 (Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis; keratosis palmaris et plantaris) OS=Bos taurus OX=9913 GN=KRT10 PE=2 SV=1;sp|P06394|K1C10_BOVIN Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 10 OS=Bos taurus OX=9913 GN=KRT10 PE=3 SV=1"

您可能已经注意到,一些蛋白质名称几乎是一个完整的短语,而另一些则只是一个单词。基因也是如此,它并不总是 2 个字符,在这个例子中达到了 6 个字符。



#split the protein name from the other delimiters
fasta.header <- str_split(proteinGroups$Fasta.headers, "(?=OS=)")

#discard the additional fasta headers
protGene <- sapply(fasta.header, "[", c(1,2))

#invert the orientation and change to DF
protGene <- as.data.frame(t(protGene))

#rename columns
colnames(protGene) <- c("protein.name", "gene")

#discard the extra info and keep protein name only
protGene$protein.name <- colsplit(protGene$protein.name, " ", c("X1","X2"))[2]

#split the crap that came along with the additional headers in the first step
temp1 <- strsplit(protGene$gene, ";")

#assign cleaner values to the table
protGene$gene <- sapply(temp1, "[", 1)

#split the rest of the annotation
temp2 <- strsplit(protGene$gene, "OS=| OX=| GN=| PE=| SV=")

#assign gene name to the table
protGene$gene <- sapply(temp2, "[", 4)



我不确定这是否是您要查找的内容。假设,您的数据存储在名为 proteinGroups 的 data.frame 中,并且 header 位于 Fasta.headers.


proteinGroups %>% 
  tibble() %>% 
  mutate(string = str_split(Fasta.headers, ";[a-z]{2}\|[A-Z0-9\-]*\|"),
         rn = row_number()) %>% 
  unnest_longer(string) %>%
    protein_name = ifelse(str_detect(string, ".*_BOVIN\s(.*?)\sOS=.*"), 
                          str_replace(string, ".*_BOVIN\s(.*?)\sOS=.*", "\1"),
    gene = ifelse(str_detect(string, ".*GN=([A-Z0-9]*).*"),
                  str_replace(string, ".*GN=([A-Z0-9]*).*", "\1"),
    .keep = "unused"

我们按照 ;tr|A0A0F6QNP7|;sp|P81282-3| 的模式将字符串拆分成更小的块。

  • 我们提取 _BOVINOS= 之间的所有内容。那是蛋白质的名字。
  • 我们提取 GN= 之后匹配大写字母和数字的所有内容。这就是基因。


# A tibble: 14 x 4
   Fasta.headers                                        rn protein_name                          gene 
   <chr>                                             <int> <chr>                                 <chr>
 1 sp|Q2UVX4|CO3_BOVIN Complement C3 OS=Bos taurus ~     1 Complement C3                         C3   
 2 sp|Q2UVX4|CO3_BOVIN Complement C3 OS=Bos taurus ~     1 C3-beta-c                             C3   
 3 sp|Q2UVX4|CO3_BOVIN Complement C3 OS=Bos taurus ~     1 C3-beta-c                             C3   
 4 sp|Q2UVX4|CO3_BOVIN Complement C3 OS=Bos taurus ~     1 NA                                    NA   
 5 tr|A0A3Q1MB98|A0A3Q1MB98_BOVIN Haptoglobin OS=Bo~     2 Haptoglobin                           HP   
 6 tr|A0A3Q1MB98|A0A3Q1MB98_BOVIN Haptoglobin OS=Bo~     2 Haptoglobin                           HP   
 7 tr|A0A3Q1MB98|A0A3Q1MB98_BOVIN Haptoglobin OS=Bo~     2 Haptoglobin                           HP   
 8 tr|A0A3Q1MB98|A0A3Q1MB98_BOVIN Haptoglobin OS=Bo~     2 NA                                    NA   
 9 tr|A0A3Q1LH05|A0A3Q1LH05_BOVIN Anion exchange pr~     3 Anion exchange protein                SLC4~
10 sp|P81282-4|CSPG2_BOVIN Isoform V3 of Versican c~     4 Isoform V3 of Versican core protein   VCAN 
11 sp|P81282-4|CSPG2_BOVIN Isoform V3 of Versican c~     4 Isoform V2 of Versican core protein   VCAN 
12 sp|P81282-4|CSPG2_BOVIN Isoform V3 of Versican c~     4 Versican core protein                 VCAN 
13 tr|A6QNZ7|A6QNZ7_BOVIN Keratin 10 (Epidermolytic~     5 Keratin 10 (Epidermolytic hyperkerat~ KRT10
14 tr|A6QNZ7|A6QNZ7_BOVIN Keratin 10 (Epidermolytic~     5 Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 10       KRT10

由于 只有第一个 header 重要,其余的都是废话,我们只取每个字符串的第一行

proteinGroups %>% 
  tibble() %>% 
  mutate(string = str_split(Fasta.headers, ";[a-z]{2}\|[A-Z0-9\-]*\|"),
         rn = row_number()) %>% 
  unnest_longer(string) %>%
    protein_name = ifelse(str_detect(string, ".*_BOVIN\s(.*?)\sOS=.*"), 
                          str_replace(string, ".*_BOVIN\s(.*?)\sOS=.*", "\1"),
    gene = ifelse(str_detect(string, ".*GN=([A-Z0-9]*).*"),
                  str_replace(string, ".*GN=([A-Z0-9]*).*", "\1"),
    .keep = "unused"
  ) %>% 
  group_by(rn) %>% 
  slice(1) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 


# A tibble: 5 x 3
  Fasta.headers                                         protein_name                             gene 
  <chr>                                                 <chr>                                    <chr>
1 sp|Q2UVX4|CO3_BOVIN Complement C3 OS=Bos taurus OX=9~ Complement C3                            C3   
2 tr|A0A3Q1MB98|A0A3Q1MB98_BOVIN Haptoglobin OS=Bos ta~ Haptoglobin                              HP   
3 tr|A0A3Q1LH05|A0A3Q1LH05_BOVIN Anion exchange protei~ Anion exchange protein                   SLC4~
4 sp|P81282-4|CSPG2_BOVIN Isoform V3 of Versican core ~ Isoform V3 of Versican core protein      VCAN 
5 tr|A6QNZ7|A6QNZ7_BOVIN Keratin 10 (Epidermolytic hyp~ Keratin 10 (Epidermolytic hyperkeratosi~ KRT10