移动 std::map 与移动 std::map 的所有元素

Move a std::map vs move all the elements of a std::map

std::map<int, Obj> mp;
// insert elements into mp

// case 1
std::map<int, Obj> mp2;
mp2 = std::move(mp);

// case 2
std::map<int, Obj> mp3;
std::move(std::begin(mp), std::end(mp), std::inserter(mp3, std::end(mp3));



  • 案例 1 一次移动整个 map 的内容。 map 的内部指针被“移动”到 mp2 - 地图中 pair 的 none 受到影响。
  • 案例 2 将地图中的个体 pair 一一移动。请注意 map Keyconst 所以它们不能被移动,而是被复制。 mp 仍将包含与以前一样多的元素 - 但值处于不确定状态。

Are they exactly the same?




  1. Move constructor. After container move construction (overload (4)), references, pointers, and iterators (other than the end iterator) to other remain valid, but refer to elements that are now in *this. The current standard makes this guarantee via the blanket statement in container.requirements.general, and a more direct guarantee is under consideration via LWG 2321


4) Constant. If alloc is given and alloc != other.get_allocator(), then linear.

第二个 std::move 来自 <algorithm> header,它按元素(即键值对)移动到另一个映射。

  1. Moves the elements in the range [first, last), to another range beginning at d_first, starting from first and proceeding to last - 1. After this operation the elements in the moved-from range will still contain valid values of the appropriate type, but not necessarily the same values as before the move.


Exactly last - first move assignments.