
Can I get docker images of latest version of FIWARE products?

我在 docker 中心找不到 Orion 3.3.0 nor Cygnus 2.14.0 官方 docker 图片。


这是 FIWARE Docker 至 remove or limit automated builds from various account types. It has made collating the images much more complicated. Previously the FIWARE Builds would trigger as clones of the contributory repositories. The problems caused by this issue have been recognized by the Technical Steering Committee 决定的结果。目前构建正在过渡到更新的构建机制 - 也可能使用重复或替代图像存储库。

在大多数情况下,例如 Telefónica 创建的 Orion 和 Cygnus,您仍然可以在他们自己的 Docker Hub 帐户下找到从原始源存储库生成的标记构建 - 例如 telefonicaiot/fiware-orion and telefonicaiot/fiware-cygnus. The FIWARE clones of these images (a pull/push of the same SHA1 hash) are built and tested by the fiwarebot periodically - fiware/orion:3.3.0 例如,现在可用,但是完全标准化和自动化此过程的机制将需要一些基础。

一旦系统完全到位,FIWARE 构建很可能仍会落后于每个通用启用程序背后的团队所做的构建,但标准版本将与每个完整的 FIWARE Releases