我如何在多个请求中使用返回 id (postgres)

How can i use returning id in multiple requests (postgres)

对于我的任务,我需要添加一个主要条目,然后使用添加记录的 ID 添加一些其他条目。 现在我使用带有“返回 ID”的请求:

with rows as (
insert into "Contact"(name, gender, city, birthdate)
           ('Name', 1, 'City', '2000-02-03')
           returning id
insert into "Education"(user_id, place, degree, endyear)
    select id , 'some_place', 'some_state', 1990 from rows

这样我可以添加一个额外的条目,但我需要多个。如果我尝试执行第二个插入查询 - postgre 失去关系“行”

with rows as (
insert into "Contact"(name, gender, city, birthdate)
           ('Name', 1, 'City', '2000-02-03')
           returning id
insert into "Education"(user_id, place, degree, endyear)
    select id , 'some_place', 'some_state', 1990 from rows
insert into "Status"(user_id, status)
    select id , 'val' from rows  

ERROR:  relation "rows" does not exist
LINE 11:     select id , 'val' from rows
SQL state: 42P01
Character: 373


我建议将所有语句放在 anonymous code block 中。您可以将 RETURNING 用于变量并从那里执行以下插入,例如

DO $$
DECLARE returned_id int;
  INSERT INTO contact 
    (name, gender, city, birthdate) VALUES 
    ('Name', 1, 'City', '2000-02-03')
  RETURNING id INTO returned_id;
  INSERT INTO education 
    (user_id, place, degree, endyear) VALUES 
    (returned_id, 'some_place', 'some_state', '1990-01-01');
  INSERT INTO status 
    (user_id, status) VALUES 
    (returned_id, 'val');   
