\uD83D\uDCCC 不断出现在我继承的代码中。这个 unicode 序列有什么作用?
\uD83D\uDCCC keep showing up in code I've inherited. What does this unicode sequence do?
我一直在阅读有关 code injection using unicode sequences and have been using a tool from Dotnetsafer 在我继承的代码坏中定位序列的信息。这个序列 \uD83D\uDCCC
appears as: [588] __builder5.AddMarkupContent(51, "??");
actual : [588] __builder5.AddMarkupContent(51, "\uD83D\uDCCC");
这是什么序列?为什么代码会将其注入 HTML?
编辑 1:我查看了序列,我发现唯一有用的东西是 https://unicode.scarfboy.com/?s=D83D+DCCC
这些是编码 the Unicode character U+1F4CC(图钉表情符号)的 UTF-16 代码单元。
- 查找U+D83D and U+DCCC and find out that they are not actual Unicode characters, but high and low surrogates respectively, meaning they are used in UTF-16
- Google for "D83D DCCC" and find this page 其中明确列出了图钉表情符号的 UTF-16 编码。
其实,想想看,你可以跳过第 1 步 ;-)
我一直在阅读有关 code injection using unicode sequences and have been using a tool from Dotnetsafer 在我继承的代码坏中定位序列的信息。这个序列 \uD83D\uDCCC
appears as: [588] __builder5.AddMarkupContent(51, "??");
actual : [588] __builder5.AddMarkupContent(51, "\uD83D\uDCCC");
这是什么序列?为什么代码会将其注入 HTML?
编辑 1:我查看了序列,我发现唯一有用的东西是 https://unicode.scarfboy.com/?s=D83D+DCCC
这些是编码 the Unicode character U+1F4CC(图钉表情符号)的 UTF-16 代码单元。
- 查找U+D83D and U+DCCC and find out that they are not actual Unicode characters, but high and low surrogates respectively, meaning they are used in UTF-16
- Google for "D83D DCCC" and find this page 其中明确列出了图钉表情符号的 UTF-16 编码。
其实,想想看,你可以跳过第 1 步 ;-)