有谁知道为什么我没有得到输出,代码编译但 returns 没有输出

Does anyone know why i do not get an output, the code does compile but returns no output

employees =[
        "name": "John Doe",
        "job": "Software Engineer",
        "City": "Vancouver",
        "age": 34,
        "status": "single"
        "name": "Alicia Smith",
        "job": "Director",
        "City": "New York",
        "age": 38,
        "status": "Married"

keys = ["name", "age"]

if "name" and "age" in employees:
 newDict = employees.pop("name" and "age")

首先你在代码中遇到了两个错误,第一个是因为 if 语句不正确,这就是为什么没有被执行的原因。其次,你不能在数组中弹出字典,你必须选择每个字典,然后弹出它们或将它们放入循环中,就像这个解决方案

employees =[ { "name": "John Doe", "job": "Software Engineer", "City": "Vancouver", "age": 34, "status": "single" }, { "name": "Alicia Smith", "job": "Director", "City": "New York", "age": 38, "status": "Married" } ]
newDict = []
for i in employees:
    if "name" and "age" in i:
        i.pop("name" and "age")


您的代码中有一些错误。我相信您正试图从存在的字典中删除键 nameage。请尝试以下操作:

employees = [
        "name": "John Doe",
        "job": "Software Engineer",
        "City": "Vancouver",
        "age": 34,
        "status": "single"
        "name": "Alicia Smith",
        "job": "Director",
        "City": "New York",
        "age": 38,
        "status": "Married"

newDict = []
for d in employees:   # First iterate over the dictionaries
    if "name" in d:   # If the key "name" is there in the dictionary
        d.pop("name") # Remove it
    if "age" in d:    # Check if "age" is there in the keys
        d.pop("age")  # Remove it too if present
    newDict.append(d) # Add the updated dictionary to our list

您可以使用 dict comprehension inside a list comprehension 作为单行。

print([{k: v for k, v in d.items() if k not in keys} for d in employees])


RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration