为什么?状态:Google Play 上的 Wear OS 未接受应用

Why? Status: App not accepted into Wear OS on Google Play

所以我一直在尝试发布我的第一个 Wear Os 表盘但是当我提交时我一直在拒绝它。我只是轻轻地改变了样本 Android studio 除了背景和指针移动的方式外没有太大变化。 我不断得到这个。 我真的不知道为什么它总是被拒绝。我确保它适用于方形和圆形磨损 OS。 我不断收到此消息

Step 1: Fix the eligibility issue with your app

During review, we detected the following eligibility issue and were unable to accept your app for Wear OS:

The basic functionality of your app does not work as described in App Bundle

  1. Wear OS functionality should work as expected or as described in the app's Google Play Store listing. Please make sure to test your app on a variety of Wear OS devices and configurations.

For example, Hours and Minutes hands are not placed in the center of the watch face on Square Device. as shown/described on the store listing.


感谢大家的提问和评论。 我确实在 sq 手表上测试了该应用程序。 我得到了同样的结果。 当我在屏幕中间添加一个圆圈并最终被允许作为中心时,事情开始发生变化。我不知道为什么这很重要我知道它已经居中了。 谢谢大家