python - 列表索引超出范围,使用 CSV?

python - list index out of range, working with CSV?

我有一个看起来像这样的 CSV:


我想删除第 2 列等于第 4 列的所有行(例如 Smith,Andy = Smith,Andy 时)。我尝试在 python 中使用 " 作为分隔符并将列拆分为:


我试过这个 python 代码:

testCSV = 'test.csv'
deletionText = 'linestodelete.txt'
correct = 'correctone.csv'
i = 0
j = 0  #where i & j keep track of line number 

with open(deletionText,'w') as outfile: 
    with open(testCSV, 'r') as csv:  
        for line in csv:
            i = i + 1 #on the first line, i will equal 1. 
            PI = line.split('"')[1]
            investigator = line.split('"')[3]

        #if they equal each other, write that line number into the text file
        as to be deleted. 
        if PI == investigator:

#From the TXT, create a list of line numbers you do not want to include in output
with open(deletionText, 'r') as txt:
    lines_to_be_removed_list = []

    # for each line number in the TXT
    # remove the return character at the end of line
    # and add the line number to list domains-to-be-removed list
    for lineNum in txt:
        lineNum = lineNum.rstrip()

with open(correct, 'w') as outfile:
    with open(deletionText, 'r') as csv:

        # for each line in csv
        # extract the line number
        for line in csv:
            j = j + 1 # so for the first line, the line number will be 1  

            # if csv line number is not in lines-to-be-removed list,
            # then write that to outfile
            if (j not in lines_to_be_removed_list):


PI = line.split('"')[1] 


Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/sskadamb/PycharmProjects/vastDeleteLine/", line 11, in PI = line.split('"')[1] IndexError: list index out of range

我认为它可以 PI = Smith,Andy investigator = Smith,Andy...为什么没有发生?


尝试按逗号拆分,而不是 qoute。


当你想到 csv 时,就会想到 pandas,它是 Python 的一个很棒的数据分析库。以下是如何完成您想要的:

import pandas as pd

fields = ['field{}'.format(i) for i in range(8)]
df = pd.read_csv("data.csv", header=None, names=fields)
df = df[df['field1'] != df['field3']]
print df


      field0        field1 field2    field3 field4  field5  field6  field7
1  F04300621  Parker,Helen   CERT  Yu,Betty   IOUS     NaN     NaN     NaN