Jetpack Compose - 在状态变化时播放复杂的动画
Jetpack Compose - Play complex animation on state change
fun SomeView(viewModel: SomeViewModel) {
val state by viewModel.stateFlow.collectAsState()
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val shutterAlpha by remember { mutableStateOf(0f) }
Box(modifier = Modifier
val transition = updateTransition(targetState = state, label = "label")
<on transitioning to CaptureState> { // need actual condition check code here
scope.launch {
animate(0f, 1f, animationSpec = tween(150)) { value, _ -> shutterAlpha = value }
animate(1f, 0f, animationSpec = tween(150)) { value, _ -> shutterAlpha = value }
fun SomeView(viewModel: SomeViewModel) {
val state by viewModel.stateFlow.collectAsState()
val shutterAlpha by remember { mutableStateOf(0f) }
Box(modifier = Modifier
LaunchedEffect(state) {
if (state == CaptureState) {
animate(0f, 1f, animationSpec = tween(150)) { value, _ -> shutterAlpha = value }
animate(1f, 0f, animationSpec = tween(150)) { value, _ -> shutterAlpha = value }
fun SomeView(viewModel: SomeViewModel) {
val state by viewModel.stateFlow.collectAsState()
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val shutterAlpha by remember { mutableStateOf(0f) }
Box(modifier = Modifier
val transition = updateTransition(targetState = state, label = "label")
<on transitioning to CaptureState> { // need actual condition check code here
scope.launch {
animate(0f, 1f, animationSpec = tween(150)) { value, _ -> shutterAlpha = value }
animate(1f, 0f, animationSpec = tween(150)) { value, _ -> shutterAlpha = value }
fun SomeView(viewModel: SomeViewModel) {
val state by viewModel.stateFlow.collectAsState()
val shutterAlpha by remember { mutableStateOf(0f) }
Box(modifier = Modifier
LaunchedEffect(state) {
if (state == CaptureState) {
animate(0f, 1f, animationSpec = tween(150)) { value, _ -> shutterAlpha = value }
animate(1f, 0f, animationSpec = tween(150)) { value, _ -> shutterAlpha = value }