iOS 上的网络浏览量

Webviews on iOS

我工作的公司想要使用 React Native 开发移动应用程序。这个想法是重用网站上的内容而不是创建本机视图。


  1. 创建一个带有底部导航和 webviews 的 React Native 应用程序 内容。
  2. 每次用户点击不同的部分 导航,网络视图将网站的不同页面加载到网络中 查看。

例如,登录功能将是 Web 视图中网站的登录页面。


如果您开发了这样的应用程序,您将从 apple 获得以下反馈:

We found that the experience your app provides is not sufficiently different from a web browsing experience, as it would be by incorporating native iOS functionality. While your app content may differ from your web site or other existing sites, the experience it provides does not differ significantly from the general experience of using Safari, as required by the App Store Review Guidelines. You may wish to provide convenient access to a web property for a select or niche group of users - and may enhance that experience with features such as Push Notifications. However, such apps do not include enough native iOS functionality to be appropriate for the App Store. As an alternative, you may wish to provide instructions to your users on how to create a Safari web clip to add to their iOS device Home Screen. Or, if you would like to share the app with a select group of users, we recommend the Ad Hoc distribution method. See the iOS Provisioning Portal for details on Ad Hoc Distribution. We encourage you to review your app concept and evaluate whether you can incorporate additional features to enhance the user experience.


4.2 最低功能

Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or “app-like,” it doesn’t belong on the App Store. If your App doesn't provide some sort of lasting entertainment value, or is just plain creepy, it may not be accepted. Apps that are simply a song or movie should be submitted to the iTunes Store. Apps that are simply a book or game guide should be submitted to the iBooks Store.

不,您不能将 Web 应用包装在 WebView 中并将其发布到苹果应用商店(顺便说一句:Google Play 最终也可能会拒绝您的应用)。

如果 Web 应用程序只是整个应用程序的一小部分(例如:一些送餐应用程序使用 WebView 与支持人员聊天,这是完全可以接受的),则可以这样做。

4.2 Minimum Functionality

Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or “app-like,” it doesn’t belong on the App Store. If your App doesn’t provide some sort of lasting entertainment value or adequate utility, it may not be accepted. Apps that are simply a song or movie should be submitted to the iTunes Store. Apps that are simply a book or game guide should be submitted to the Apple Books Store.
