operator== 的隐式类型转换

Implicit type conversion for operator==


template <typename T>
struct ArrayConstRef {
    const T *data;
    size_t length;

template <typename T>
bool operator==(ArrayConstRef<T> a, ArrayConstRef<T> b);

template <typename T>
class ContainerA {
        operator ArrayConstRef<T>() const;
        explicit operator const T *() const;

template <typename T>
class ContainerB {
        operator ArrayConstRef<T>() const;
        explicit operator const T *() const;

int main() {
    if (ContainerA<int>() == ContainerB<int>()) // error - no matching operator==
    return 0;

即使隐式转换可用,重载的 operator== 也不匹配。有趣的是,如果我删除了 explicit 关键字,编译器会设法将两个对象都转换为指针并以这种方式进行比较(我不希望这样做)。为什么一个隐式转换有效而另一个无效?有什么办法让它起作用吗?

问题是operator==是模板,要调用模板参数T需要推导。但是在 template argument deduction.

中不会考虑隐式转换(ContainerA<int> -> ArrayConstRef<int>ContainerB<int> -> ArrayConstRef<int>

Type deduction does not consider implicit conversions (other than type adjustments listed above): that's the job for overload resolution, which happens later.


if (operator==<int>(ContainerA<int>(), ContainerB<int>()))


template <typename T>
bool equal_impl(ArrayConstRef<T> a, ArrayConstRef<T> b);

template <template <typename> class C1, template <typename> class C2, typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<C1<T>, ArrayConstRef<T>> 
                 && std::is_convertible_v<C2<T>, ArrayConstRef<T>>, 
operator==(C1<T> a, C2<T> b) {
    return equal_impl<T>(a, b);


这可以使用 SFINAE 解决,只需对 类 的代码进行少量更改即可。

#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdio>
#include <type_traits>

template <typename T>
struct ArrayConstRef {
    const T *data;
    size_t length;

// This is needed to override other template below
// using argument depended lookup
template <typename T>
bool operator==(ArrayConstRef<T> a, ArrayConstRef<T> b){
    /* Provide your implementation */
    return true;

template <
    typename Left,
    typename Right,
    // Sfinae trick :^)
    typename = std::enable_if_t<
        std::is_constructible_v<ArrayConstRef<typename Left::ItemType>, const Left&>
     && std::is_constructible_v<ArrayConstRef<typename Right::ItemType>, const Right&>
     && std::is_same_v<typename Left::ItemType, typename Right::ItemType>
inline bool operator==(const Left& a, const Right& b){
    using T = typename Left::ItemType;
    return ArrayConstRef<T>(a) == ArrayConstRef<T>(b);

template <typename T>
class ContainerA {
        // Add type of element
        using ItemType = T;
        operator ArrayConstRef<T>() const;
        explicit operator const T *() const;

template <typename T>
class ContainerB {
        // Add type of element
        using ItemType = T;
        operator ArrayConstRef<T>() const;
        explicit operator const T *() const;

int main() {
    if (ContainerA<int>() == ContainerB<int>()) // no error :)
    return 0;

GCC 11.2 -std=c++17 编译良好。


下面的代码使用 GCC 11.2 -std=c++20 编译。

#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdio>
#include <type_traits>

template <typename T>
struct ArrayConstRef {
    const T *data;
    size_t length;

// This is needed to override other template below
// using argument depended lookup
template <typename T>
bool operator==(ArrayConstRef<T> a, ArrayConstRef<T> b){
    /* Provide your implementation */
    return true;

template <typename Container>
concept ConvertibleToArrayConstRef = 
    requires (const Container& a) { 
        ArrayConstRef<typename Container::ItemType>(a);

template <
    ConvertibleToArrayConstRef Left,
    ConvertibleToArrayConstRef Right
requires (std::is_same_v<
            typename Left::ItemType,
            typename Right::ItemType>
inline bool operator==(const Left& a, const Right& b){
    using T = typename Left::ItemType;
    return ArrayConstRef<T>(a) == ArrayConstRef<T>(b);

template <typename T>
class ContainerA {
        // Add type of element
        using ItemType = T;
        operator ArrayConstRef<T>() const;
        explicit operator const T *() const;

template <typename T>
class ContainerB {
        // Add type of element
        using ItemType = T;
        operator ArrayConstRef<T>() const;
        explicit operator const T *() const;

int main() {
    if (ContainerA<int>() == ContainerB<int>())  // no error :)
    return 0;