如何从 SQL Clickhouse 中的一行中减去其他行

How to substract from one row the other ones in SQL Clickhouse

我对行减法有疑问。 例如,执行此查询后:

        when source in ('all') then 'all'
        when source in ('source1') then 'source1'
        when source in ('source2') then 'source2'
        when source in ('source3') then 'source3'
    end as source,
    sum(value) as sum
from table
group by 


source sum
all 100
source 1 1
source 2 1
source 3 1

我想向此 table 添加 'all-source1-source2-source3' 值为 100-1-1-1=97 的新行。你能帮帮我吗?

select (arrayJoin(flatten([sa, ss, sd])) as x).1 source, x.2 sum
       select groupArrayIf((source, sum), source='all') sa, 
              groupArrayIf((source, sum), source!='all') ss,
              [('diff', arraySum(sa.2) - arraySum(ss.2))] sd
       from (
               select  'all'  source, 100 sum union all
               select  'source 1', 1 union all
               select  'source 2', 1 union all
               select  'source 3', 1 

│ all      │ 100 │
│ source 1 │   1 │
│ source 2 │   1 │
│ source 3 │   1 │
│ diff     │  97 │