我想在从 DynamoDB 获取项目列表时使用 IN 运算符
I want to use IN operator while getting the list of items from DynamoDB
我在变量 domains_hash
中有一组域,我想从 dynamo table 中获取所有项目,其中的域来自 domains_hash
table 中的列 domain
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
domains_hash =('196af8b5fca2fa43e8f328d7bd996eafc2d799c1b90233a84d43a5c8cd52ac97',
res = endpoint_users.query(
ConditionExpression="domain IN :dh",
ExpressionAttributeValues={':dh': domains_hash},
except ClientError as e:
raise DopeException
但是我收到这个错误 -
ParamValidationError: Parameter validation failed:
Unknown parameter in input: "ConditionExpression", must be one of: TableName, IndexName, Select, AttributesToGet, Limit, ConsistentRead, KeyConditions, QueryFilter, ConditionalOperator, ScanIndexForward, ExclusiveStartKey, ReturnConsumedCapacity, ProjectionExpression, FilterExpression, KeyConditionExpression, ExpressionAttributeNames, ExpressionAttributeValues
首先您的查询需要 KeyConditionExpression 而不是 ConditionExpression。但是查询不支持 IN 操作。您的选择是:
- 进行扫描
- 运行 匹配单个域 ID 的多个查询
- 在表达式中使用 OR 请求多个域
我在变量 domains_hash
中有一组域,我想从 dynamo table 中获取所有项目,其中的域来自 domains_hash
table 中的列 domain
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
domains_hash =('196af8b5fca2fa43e8f328d7bd996eafc2d799c1b90233a84d43a5c8cd52ac97',
res = endpoint_users.query(
ConditionExpression="domain IN :dh",
ExpressionAttributeValues={':dh': domains_hash},
except ClientError as e:
raise DopeException
但是我收到这个错误 -
ParamValidationError: Parameter validation failed:
Unknown parameter in input: "ConditionExpression", must be one of: TableName, IndexName, Select, AttributesToGet, Limit, ConsistentRead, KeyConditions, QueryFilter, ConditionalOperator, ScanIndexForward, ExclusiveStartKey, ReturnConsumedCapacity, ProjectionExpression, FilterExpression, KeyConditionExpression, ExpressionAttributeNames, ExpressionAttributeValues
首先您的查询需要 KeyConditionExpression 而不是 ConditionExpression。但是查询不支持 IN 操作。您的选择是:
- 进行扫描
- 运行 匹配单个域 ID 的多个查询
- 在表达式中使用 OR 请求多个域