Fortran fft 精度损失

Loss of precision in fortran fft

我在用 Fortran 计算某些数据的 fft 时遇到问题。不知道是不是算法有问题,四舍五入,精度不够还是什么。


  module fft_mod
  public :: fft1D
  integer,parameter :: cp = selected_real_kind(14)
  real(cp),parameter :: PI = real(3.14159265358979,cp)
  subroutine fft1D(x)
    complex(cp), dimension(:), intent(inout)  :: x
    complex(cp), dimension(:), allocatable  :: temp
    complex(cp)                               :: S
    integer                                   :: N
    complex(cp)                               :: j ! sqrt(-1)
    integer                                   :: i,k
    j = cmplx(0.0_cp,1.0_cp,cp)
    S = cmplx(0.0_cp,0.0_cp,cp)
    temp = cmplx(0.0_cp,0.0_cp,cp)
    do i = 1,N
      do k = 1,N
        S = S + x(k)*exp(real(-2.0,cp)*PI*j*real(k-1,cp)*real(i-1,cp)/real(N,cp))
      temp(i) = S
      S = cmplx(0.0_cp,0.0_cp,cp)
    x = temp
  end subroutine
  end module
  program test
    use fft_mod
    implicit none
    complex(cp), dimension(10) :: data = (/1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0/)
    integer :: i
    call fft1D(data)
    do i=1,10
       write(*,*) data(i)
    end do
  end program test

运行 这在 fortran 中给出

gfortran -J".\mod" -fimplicit-none -Wuninitialized -g -Wall -Wextra -fbacktrace
 -fcheck=all -O0 -fopenmp -D_QUAD_PRECISION_ -cpp -c -o .\obj\testFFT.o testFFT
gfortran -o .\test -J".\mod" -fimplicit-none -Wuninitialized -g -Wall -Wextra
-fbacktrace -fcheck=all -O0 -fopenmp -D_QUAD_PRECISION_ -cpp .\obj\testFFT.o

 (  30.000000000000000     ,  0.0000000000000000     )
 ( -9.4721355260035178     , -3.0776825738331275     )
 (  1.2032715918097736E-007,  8.7422769579070803E-008)
 (-0.52786408204828272     ,-0.72654221835813126     )
 (  5.6810824045072650E-008,  1.7484555003832725E-007)
 (  1.0325074129013956E-013,  2.6226834001115759E-007)
 ( -8.5216018574918451E-008,  2.6226836247200680E-007)
 (-0.52786395855490920     , 0.72654325051559143     )
 ( -4.8130813040669906E-007,  3.4969128892559098E-007)
 ( -9.4721398159606647     ,  3.0776922072585111     )

但是运行 matlab 中的相同数据集给出

format long ; g = [1:5 5:-1:1]; fft(g)'

ans =

 -9.472135954999580 + 3.077683537175253i
 -0.527864045000420 + 0.726542528005361i
 -0.527864045000420 - 0.726542528005361i
 -9.472135954999580 - 3.077683537175253i

我相信我使用 selected_real_kind(14) 使用双精度,但看起来结果充其量只是单精度。我确定一些散布的 real(,cp) 不是必需的,但我不知道与 matlab 相比结果在哪里、如何或为什么看起来是单精度的。




  real(cp),parameter :: PI = real(3.14159265358979,cp)

  real(cp),parameter :: PI = 3.14159265358979_cp

问题在于您如何定义实数,特别是 pi。当你定义

real(cp),parameter :: PI = real(3.14159265358979,cp)

您正在将参数 3.14159265358979 传递给函数 real。但是实数具有默认的单精度,因此您的实数在进入函数时会被转换为单精度。考虑以下示例:

  program main
  integer,parameter :: cp = selected_real_kind(14)
  real(cp),parameter :: pi = real(3.14159265358979,cp)
  real(cp),parameter :: pj = 3.14159265358979_cp

  write(*,*) pi
  write(*,*) pj

  end program main

使用 pgfortran 编译且没有选项,这给了我:



编辑:此问题也会影响您定义 的方式,但这些数字可能会被精确转换为二进制,并且不会出现相同的舍入错误.

如果您只需要“接近”双精度 (Real(8)) 的值,则上面接受的答案是一个合理的解决方案,因为您已将 Pi 明确定义为接近 Real(8) 的数字位数。 Pi 到 full Real(8) 的实际值为




如果您希望获得更通用的“与 _cp 一致的完全精度”结果,您可能希望使用类似

Real(cP), Parameter         :: Pi = 4_cp*ATan(1_cp)

***编辑:感谢 francescalus 发现拼写错误,这应该是 ATan(1._cp),但实际上,如下所述,应该使用“参数化”数字并避免使用“_cp” " 都在 args 等

现在,如果 _cp 为 16,则您的 Pi 将自动为:


现在,无论何时更改 _cp,您的代码都会自动具有“与 _cp 一致的完全精度”。


Real(cp), Parameter         :: Zero = 0_cp
Real(cp), Parameter         :: One = 1_cp


***编辑:感谢 francescalus 发现拼写错误,但在这些特定的表达式中,虽然 0.0_cp 和 1.0_cp 可能更好,但这并不重要,因为它们是 Params声明负责>


Real(cp), Parameter         :: Pi = Four*ATan(One)
S = Cmplx(Zero, Zero)*Exp(-Two) ! etc etc

并且不必担心到处添加 _cp 等,read/debug 等



If( a == 1.0 ) Then


If( a == One ) Then



S = S + x(k)*exp(real(-2.0,cp)*PI*j*real(k-1,cp)*real(i-1,cp)/real(N,cp))


S = S + x(k)*exp(-2*PI*j*(k-1)*(i-1)/N)


S = S + x(k)*exp(-Two*PI*j*(k-1)*(i-1)/N)


...尽管如上所述,如果您的算术仅包含整数,则可能需要考虑其他因素。但是,如果您仅对 Real 进行“参数化”,那么如果您使用“Two”,那么在真正需要 2.0 的情况下,您永远不会有使用“2”的风险(例如 div/0)。

最后,既然你有“参数化”Pi,为什么不也有 2*Pi,例如:

Real(cp), Parameter         :: TwoPi = Two*Pi


S = S + x(k)*exp(-Two*PI*j*(k-1)*(i-1)/N)


S = S + x(k)*exp(-TwoPI*j*(k-1)*(i-1)/N)


...在一个完全独立的点上,你知道你的 var Temp() 可以是“自动的”吗,比如说

complex(cp)                   :: temp(Size(x, Dim = 1))


***** 附录:根据对我的回答的一些评论,我认为这可能有助于显示对 OP 代码的可能更改以提高性能,并在某种程度上进一步提高精度。

然而,在此之前,OP 没有说明为什么需要特定的精度。这可能是许多 industrial/real 世界设置中的一个重要问题。例如,在某些情况下,速度比精度重要得多,只要精度足够好以提供特定于上下文的 reliability/decision 制作。例如,可以想象在某些情况下,计算应该全部在 Real(4) 中。这件事需要单独的、重要的讨论。

尽管如此,Ross 的回答纠正了“内存表示”方面的精度问题,而我的原始答案提高了“您实际上需要提供足够的 sig figs 开始”方面的精度(即使声明是正确的),减少 FLOPS 的数量不仅可以提高速度,还可以提高精度,因为每个 FLOP 都会引入 truncation/round 关闭的可能性,特别是对于单个表达式中的一长串 FLOP。

此外,这个 OP 问题可以用“身份”公式 (4*ATan(1)) 很好地解决。在许多情况下,这要么是不可能的,要么是不切实际的,然后需要一些不太优雅的方法,但我把这些留到以后再说。

以下只是 one/two 个可能的替代方案。



如果运气好的话,它可能会减少大约 80% 左右的 FLOPs。

... 如果方便的话,我将感谢 OP 对不同的实现进行基准测试并报告结果。您可能还希望对 _cp = 4、8、16 进行基准测试,只是为了演示速度和精度之间的权衡。

此替代版本需要对调用进行明显更新 s/r。

module fft_mod
public :: fft1D
Integer,parameter :: cp = selected_real_kind(14)        ! just out of curiosity, why "14", see my comments on "reality vs. precision"
!>>real(cp),parameter :: PI = real(3.14159265358979,cp)
Real(cp), Parameter     :: Zero = 0_cp            ! these types of declarations can be created in a separate Module, 
                          ! say "MyDeclarationModule", and then just access with "Use"
    ! NOTE: With respect to francescalus comments on issues with "1_cp" syntax, the usage here works fine as shown in the previous result,
! though francescalus' comments are fair in suggesting that other approaches make for better coding.
    ! However, and to be clear, I don't actually use "_xx" style myslef.  I have used it here ONLY to be consistent with the
    ! the OP's and earlier answers.  The usage of it here is NOT a recommendation.  A discussion of the alternatives
! is much too long and strays from the immediate issues too far.
! ... Perhaps francescalus will take up the mantle and re-write the OP's code for alternatives
    Real(cp), Parameter     :: One = 1_cp
    Real(cp), Parameter     :: Two = 2_cp
    Real(cp), Parameter     :: Four = 4_cp
! ... after this point, there is no need to see "_cp" again, in this example
    Real(cp), Parameter     :: Pi = Four*ATan(One)    ! this guarrantees maximal precision for Pi, up to "_cp"
    Real(cp), Parameter     :: TwoPi = Two*Pi     ! Vladimir: now, and only now (that I've talem most everything out of the loop),
                          ! this declaration has less value ... unlike previously, when it was
                          ! still in the inner NxN, and when it saved approx 15 - 20% of FLOPs
                              ! Crucially, if you do a lot of computational mathematics, TwoPi, PiBy2, Root2Pi, etc etc
                          ! arise with considerable frequency, and creating these as Parameters makes for much
                          ! improvement, and I would think it a practice to be encouraged.
    Complex(cp), Parameter         :: SqrtM1 = Cmplx(Zero, One) ! sqrt(-1), this is your "j", 
                                ! sorry but "j" sounds just too much like an "integer" to me 
                                                                ! (for us "old timers"), so I changed the name to something more meaningful to me
Pure Subroutine fft1D(x, n, Temp)       ! OPTIONAL, return the results explicitly to save vector assignment, and preserve original data
                                      ! OPTIONAL, send the size of x() explicitly as n, much cleaner
                                      ! you could leave it as s/r fft1D(x), and most of the savings below would still apply
                                      ! ... also, my practice is to make everything Pure/Elemental where reasonable
Integer, Intent(In)                :: n          ! Optional, but cleaner
!   complex(cp), Intent(InOut)     :: x(n)       ! consider as just Intent(In), and return Temp() as Intent(Out)
complex(cp), Intent(In)            :: x(n)       ! consider as just Intent(In), and return Temp() as Intent(Out)
    ! Locals
    ! ------
!       Complex(cp), Allocatable        :: temp(:)   ! no need for Allocatable
!       Complex(cp)                     :: temp(Size(x), Dim = 1) ! I prefer to pass n explicitly
    Complex(cp), Intent(Out)        :: temp(n)   ! make Intent(Out) to preserve data and save a vector assignment
!    complex(cp)                               :: S
!    integer                                   :: N
!    complex(cp)                               :: j ! sqrt(-1)
Integer                             :: i, k
    Complex(cp)                     :: TPSdivN  ! new reduce 4 nxn mults to 1
    Complex(cp)                     :: TPSdivNiM1   ! new, to reduce 5 nxn mults to 1 nx1
    Real(cp)                        :: rKM1(n)      ! new, to obviate nxn k-1's in inner loop
!    N=size(x)                          ! my preference is to pass N explicitly, 
                    ! but can be done this way if prefered (need to make appropriate changes above)
!    allocate(temp(N))                  ! Temp() can be either automatic or an Arg, no need for Allocate
!    j = cmplx(0.0_cp,1.0_cp,cp)        ! make Parameter, and rename to SqrtM1 (personal pref)
!    S = cmplx(0.0_cp,0.0_cp,cp)        ! Not required with "improved" inner loop
    temp(1:n) = Cmplx(Zero, Zero)   ! S is not needed, just start with Temp() directly
    TPSdivN = -TwoPi*SqrtM1/n       ! new, move everything out all loops that can be
    ForAll( k=1:n) rKM1(k) = k - 1  ! new, this allows the elimination of NxN "k-1's" in the inner
                ! my preference is for ForAll's, but you could use Do, 
do i = 1,N
    TPSdivNiM1 = TPSdivN*(i-1)      ! new. everything out of inner loop that can be
    ! improved, inner do, but could use "no-Do" alternative as illustrated below
!      do k = 1,N
!>>        S = S + x(k)*exp(real(-2.0,cp)*PI*j*real(k-1,cp)*real(i-1,cp)/real(N,cp))    ! original, many unneccessary nxn FLOPs, type conversions, etc
!        temp(i) = temp(i) + x(k)*Exp(TPSdivNiM1*rKM1(k)))          ! use array of k-1's, then the inner k-loop is no longer required, 
                                                                    ! and can use Product()/Sum() or Dot_Product() intrinsics, see example below
!      End Do
    ! alternative "direct array" approach to inner loop, or "no-DO" version ... there are other possibilities.
    Temp(i) = Dot_Product( x(1:n), Exp(TPSdivNiM1*rKM1(1:n)) )  ! this approach can have certain advantages depending on circumstances
!      temp(i) = S                      ! not needed
!      S = cmplx(0.0_cp,0.0_cp,cp)      ! not needed
End Do
!    x(1:n) = temp(1:n)                 ! not need if Temp() is Intent(Out) that save this vector assignment, and the original data
!    deallocate(temp)                   ! not needed
End Subroutine fft1D
!  end module
End Module fft_mod