安全简单配对与 LE 传统配对

Secure Simple Pairing vs LE Legacy pairing

BLE 中的 Secure Simple Pairing 和 LE Legacy Pairing 有什么区别?我的假设是,SSP 是较旧的,而不是今天使用的,我对吗? SSP 是否仍在设备中使用,或者它是最先进的配对方法。

那个UG103.14文档好像是Silabs的一些人写的;它不是 Bluetooth SIG 编写的官方文档。 BLE 使用安全简单配对是完全错误的。


在 BLE 中,我们有 LE 传统配对和 LE 安全连接。

您可以在蓝牙核心规范 5.3 第 1 卷 A 部分(架构)第 5.4.1 节中阅读以下内容:

Bluetooth LE uses four association models referred to as Just Works, Numeric Comparison, Out of Band and Passkey Entry. LE legacy pairing does not have an equivalent of Numeric Comparison. In LE legacy pairing, each of these association models is similar to BR/EDR Secure Simple Pairing with the following exceptions.

• Just Works and Passkey Entry do not provide any passive eavesdropping protection. This is because Secure Simple Pairing uses Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman and LE legacy pairing does not. In LE Secure Connections pairing, the four association models are functionally equivalent to BR/EDR Secure Connections.

如果你想了解更多,我建议你阅读整个第 5 章安全概述。只有 11 页。