spacy 匹配器:如果模式匹配则检测句子的第一个单词

spacy matcher: detect first word of sentence if pattern is matched

我的 spacy 匹配器显示出意外行为,我不明白为什么。考虑以下玩具数据:

# %% Load packages
import pandas as pd
import spacy

# %% toy data
df = \
    pd.DataFrame(columns=['date',         'ground_cat',   'ground_word',    'sentence'],
                  data = [["2009-09-01",  "a",            'wutschäumend'  , "Wutschäumend bin ich."], # in this line, "Wutschäumend" should match
                          ["2009-09-01",  "a",            'wutschäumend',   "Ich bin Wutschäumend."],
                          ["2009-09-01",  "neg_a",        'wutschäumend'  , "Ich bin nicht wutschäumend."],
                          ["2009-09-01",  "b",            'zweifelhaftes' , "Peter hat ein zweifelhaftes Verständnis von Gerechtigkeit."],
                          ["2009-09-01",  "c",            'unsittlich',     "Das ist unsittlich."],
                          ["2009-09-01",  "d",            'unsolidarisch' , "Niemand ist so unsolidarisch wie er."]])

df['processed_sentence'] = [doc for doc in nlp.pipe(df['sentence'].tolist())]

ground_x 识别 ground_truth,例如在第一行中,类别 a 应该通过查找单词 wutschäumend 等来匹配

我现在准备匹配器并实例化模式。基本上,如果 matching_dict 中的单词位于句子的开头,或者它们位于句子中的某个位置但前面没有否定词之一,我希望它们匹配。


# %% Prepare Matcher
nlp = spacy.load("de_core_news_lg")
matcher = spacy.matcher.Matcher(nlp.vocab)  # instantiate Matcher

negations = ["nicht", "nichts", "kein", "keine", "keinen", "keinem"] # negation words

matching_dict: dict = {"a": ['wutschäumend'],
                       "b": ['zweifelhaftes'],
                       "c": ["unsittlich"],
                       "d": ["unsolidarisch"]}

# patterns for non-negated words associated with each emotion
a = [[{"IS_SENT_START": True}, {"LOWER": {"IN": matching_dict['a']}}], [{"LOWER": {"NOT_IN": negations}}, {"LOWER": {"IN": matching_dict['a']}}]]
b = [[{"IS_SENT_START": True}, {"LOWER": {"IN": matching_dict['b']}}], [{"LOWER": {"NOT_IN": negations}}, {"LOWER": {"IN": matching_dict['b']}}]]
c = [[{"IS_SENT_START": True}, {"LOWER": {"IN": matching_dict['c']}}], [{"LOWER": {"NOT_IN": negations}}, {"LOWER": {"IN": matching_dict['c']}}]]
d = [[{"IS_SENT_START": True}, {"LOWER": {"IN": matching_dict['d']}}], [{"LOWER": {"NOT_IN": negations}}, {"LOWER": {"IN": matching_dict['d']}}]]

matcher.add(201, a)
matcher.add(202, b)
matcher.add(203, c)
matcher.add(204, d)


df['matches'] = df['processed_sentence'].apply(matcher)  # match patterns

#                 [] # should be [(201, 0, 2)]!
# 1    [(201, 1, 3)]
# 2               []
# 3    [(202, 2, 4)]
# 4    [(203, 1, 3)]
# 5    [(204, 2, 4)]
# Name: matches, dtype: object



a = [
    [{"IS_SENT_START": True}, 
     {"LOWER": {"IN": matching_dict['a']}}], 
    [{"LOWER": {"NOT_IN": negations}}, 
     {"LOWER": {"IN": matching_dict['a']}}]]


在第一个中,您有句子的第一个词,第二个词在您的 a 列表中。

在第二个中,你有一个不是否定的词,后面是 a 列表中的一个词。


[{"IS_SENT_START": True, "LOWER": {"IN": matching_dict['a']}]