PowerShell - 将正则表达式与 threadjob 输出匹配但不会填充 $matches 变量

PowerShell - matching a regex against threadjob output works but doesn't populate $matches variable

当我从新打开的 PowerShell 控制台 运行 以下脚本时,循环退出,因此显然存在匹配项,但 $matches 变量(因此 $matches.PORT)未填充第一次。当脚本再次 运行 时,它被填充。


$BLOCK = { az webapp create-remote-connection --subscription <MY-SUBSCRIPTION> --resource-group <RESOURCE-GROUP> -n <NAME> }
$global:CONNECTION = Start-ThreadJob -ScriptBlock $BLOCK

$done = 0
$match_string = ".*Opening tunnel on port: (?<PORT>\d{1,5})\b.*"

while ($done -lt 1) {
    if ($CONNECTION.HasMoreData)
        $DATA = Receive-Job $CONNECTION 2>&1
        if ($DATA -match $match_string)
            $port = $matches.PORT
            Write-Output "Connection open on port $port."
            $done = 1
Write-Output "Loop ended."

PowerShell 控制台的输出是:

PS <LOCAL-DIR>> ./ssh
Connection open on port .
Loop ended.
PS <LOCAL-DIR>> ./ssh
Connection open on port 63182.
Loop ended.

相比之下,当我尝试 运行 执行以下脚本时,$matches 会在第一次 运行 时填充。


$string1 = "hello, hello, you big beautiful world of wonder!"
$match_str = ".*\b(?<gotcha>world)\b.*"

$done = 0

while ($done -lt 1)
    if ($string1 -match $match_str)
        write-output "Matches:"
        write-output $matches
        $done = 1


PS <LOCAL-DIR>> ./match

Name                           Value
----                           -----
gotcha                         world
0                              hello, hello, you big beautiful world of wonder!

如果有人能理解为什么在没有填充 $matches 的情况下在第一个脚本中匹配文本,我将非常感激。

P.S。 循环后存在的脚本仅用于调查目的,而不是我的代码实际执行的操作。

P.P.S。 作为参考,az webapp create-remote-connection 的输出在连接延迟后为:

Verifying if app is running....
App is running. Trying to establish tunnel connection...
Opening tunnel on port: 63341
SSH is available { username: root, password: Docker! }
Ctrl + C to close


如果 automatic $Matches variable isn't populated after a -match 操作,则意味着 LHS 操作数是 集合 而不是 单个字符串

因此,循环 $DATA 的值并分别匹配每一行:

foreach ($line in $DATA) {
  if ($line -match $match_string)
    $port = $matches.PORT
    "Connection open on port $port."
    $done = 1


  • $Matches 仅当 LHS 是 string(标量)时才填充。
  • 使用 collection(数组)作为 LHS,-match - 与许多比较运算符一样 - 充当 filter 和 returns(可能为空)匹配元素的子数组
  • 任何 prior $Matches 值是 preserved if either a given string -scalar -match 操作碰巧找不到匹配 or 它的 LHS 是一个 collection.