Python,适用于 mad max 的 FreePIE 模拟器 mod

Python, FreePIE emulator mod for mad max

我有一个来自 mod 开发者的 python 小脚本,它使 mad max 可以在 PC 上行走。他使用 freePie 来模拟操纵杆,这样你就可以用 shift 和 Ctrl 切换,这是 Max 行走的速度。问题是脚本操纵杆感觉非常粘而且很慢,因为它试图用鼠标和键盘模拟操纵杆,而且似乎没有办法克服它。这是脚本

# Walk Toggle script for Mad Max (PC)
# by STELLAR-7 Project

# Starting variables
if starting:
    vJoy[0].x = 0
    vJoy[0].y = 0
    vJoy[0].z = 0
    vJoy[0].rx = 0
    vJoy[0].ry = 0
    vJoy[0].rz = 0
    up = 0
    left = 0
    down = 0
    right = 0
    isMoving = 0
    moveMode = 0
    axisMax = vJoy[0].axisMax
    axis = axisMax * 0.85
    mouseSmooth = 0
    mouseSens = 5000

# Movement toggle RUN-JOG-WALK key (LeftControl)
if keyboard.getPressed(Key.NumberPad0): 

if keyboard.getPressed(Key.LeftControl):
    if moveMode > 0:
        moveMode -= 1
    if moveMode == 0:
        axis = axisMax * 0.75
        axis = axisMax * 0.81
# Movement toggle WALK-JOG-RUN key (LeftShift)
elif keyboard.getPressed(Key.LeftShift):
    if moveMode < 2:
        moveMode += 1
    if moveMode == 1:
        axis = axisMax * 0.81
        axis = axisMax

# Get keyboard movement (WASD)
if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.W):
    isMoving = 1
    up = 1
    up = 0

if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.A):
    isMoving = 1
    left = 1
    left = 0

if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.S):
    isMoving = 1
    down = 1
    down = 0

if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.D):
    isMoving = 1
    right = 1
    right = 0

# Process movement
# Diagonals first...
if up == 1 and right == 1:
    vJoy[0].x = axis * 0.7
    vJoy[0].y = -axis * 0.7
elif up == 1 and left == 1:
    vJoy[0].x = -axis * 0.7
    vJoy[0].y = -axis * 0.7
elif down == 1 and left == 1:
    vJoy[0].x = -axis * 0.7
    vJoy[0].y = axis * 0.7
elif down == 1 and right == 1:
    vJoy[0].x = axis * 0.7
    vJoy[0].y = axis * 0.7
elif up == 1:
    vJoy[0].x = 0
    vJoy[0].y = -axis
elif left == 1:
    vJoy[0].x = -axis
    vJoy[0].y = 0
elif down == 1:
    vJoy[0].x = 0
    vJoy[0].y = axis
elif right == 1:
    vJoy[0].x = axis
    vJoy[0].y = 0
    isMoving = 0
    vJoy[0].x = 0
    vJoy[0].y = 0

# Mouse look
if isMoving == 1:
    vJoy[0].z = -mouse.deltaX * mouseSmooth
    vJoy[0].ry = mouse.deltaY * mouseSmooth
    if mouseSmooth < mouseSens:
        mouseSmooth += 10
    mouseSmooth = 0
    vJoy[0].z = 0
    vJoy[0].ry = 0

有什么方法可以让脚本在按钮切换或按键时完全停止。有点像打开和关闭它。例如,如果我按下数字小键盘 0,脚本必须停止工作,因为车辆中的控件无法使用。这需要在游戏中发生。这个脚本可以精炼一下吗?或者甚至可以在鼠标处于活动状态时停止工作。


您添加一个变量,当设置为 1 时停止游戏,例如:

# Starting variables
if starting:
    stopGame = 0
if keyboard.getPressed(Key.NumberPad0):
    stopGame = 1 - stopGame

# authorize all actions you want when stopGame ==0
# and of course you could do some operation when stopGame ==1
if stopGame == 0:  
    # Get keyboard movement (WASD)
    if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.W):
       isMoving = 1
       up = 1
       up = 0
# Walk Toggle script for Mad Max (PC)
# by STELLAR-7 Project

# Starting variables
if starting:
    stopGame = 0
    vJoy[0].x = 0
    vJoy[0].y = 0
    vJoy[0].z = 0
    vJoy[0].rx = 0
    vJoy[0].ry = 0
    vJoy[0].rz = 0
    up = 0
    left = 0
    down = 0
    right = 0
    isMoving = 0
    moveMode = 0
    axisMax = vJoy[0].axisMax
    axis = axisMax * 0.85
    mouseSmooth = 0
    mouseSens = 5000

# Movement toggle RUN-JOG-WALK key (LeftControl)
if keyboard.getPressed(Key.NumberPad0):
    stopGame = 1 - stopGame

if keyboard.getPressed(Key.LeftControl):
    if moveMode > 0:
        moveMode -= 1
    if moveMode == 0:
        axis = axisMax * 0.75
        axis = axisMax * 0.81
# Movement toggle WALK-JOG-RUN key (LeftShift)
elif keyboard.getPressed(Key.LeftShift):
    if moveMode < 2:
        moveMode += 1
    if moveMode == 1:
        axis = axisMax * 0.81
        axis = axisMax

if stopGame == 0:
# Get keyboard movement (WASD)
    if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.W):
        isMoving = 1
        up = 1
        up = 0

if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.A):
    isMoving = 1
    left = 1
    left = 0

if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.S):
    isMoving = 1
    down = 1
    down = 0

if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.D):
    isMoving = 1
    right = 1
    right = 0

# Process movement
# Diagonals first...
if up == 1 and right == 1:
    vJoy[0].x = axis * 0.7
    vJoy[0].y = -axis * 0.7
elif up == 1 and left == 1:
    vJoy[0].x = -axis * 0.7
    vJoy[0].y = -axis * 0.7
elif down == 1 and left == 1:
    vJoy[0].x = -axis * 0.7
    vJoy[0].y = axis * 0.7
elif down == 1 and right == 1:
    vJoy[0].x = axis * 0.7
    vJoy[0].y = axis * 0.7
elif up == 1:
    vJoy[0].x = 0
    vJoy[0].y = -axis
elif left == 1:
    vJoy[0].x = -axis
    vJoy[0].y = 0
elif down == 1:
    vJoy[0].x = 0
    vJoy[0].y = axis
elif right == 1:
    vJoy[0].x = axis
    vJoy[0].y = 0
    isMoving = 0
    vJoy[0].x = 0
    vJoy[0].y = 0

# Mouse look
if isMoving == 1:
    vJoy[0].z = -mouse.deltaX * mouseSmooth
    vJoy[0].ry = mouse.deltaY * mouseSmooth
    if mouseSmooth < mouseSens:
        mouseSmooth += 10
    mouseSmooth = 0
    vJoy[0].z = 0
    vJoy[0].ry = 0