当它在 WinDbg 中处于不同的偏移量时,如何设置断点以定位此模拟位置?

How can I set a breakpoint to target this emulated location when it's at a different offset in WinDbg?

我正在使用 qiling 框架模拟贪吃蛇游戏,在我的 x86 64 Windows 环境中 运行 没问题,但在模拟环境中失败了。它正常工作 运行,但我无法在 WinDbg 失败的地方设置断点。我的问题更多是关于了解我在 WinDbg 中的问题,但我会提供上下文的模拟器日志:

[=]     Initiate stack address at 0xfffdd000
[=]     Loading snake.exe to 0x400000
[=]     PE entry point at 0x4033ae
[=]     TEB addr is 0x6000
[=]     PEB addr is 0x6044
[=]     Loading ../examples/rootfs/x8664_windows\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll ...
[!]     Warnings while loading ../examples/rootfs/x8664_windows\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll:
[!]      - SizeOfHeaders is smaller than AddressOfEntryPoint: this file cannot run under Windows 8.
[!]      - AddressOfEntryPoint lies outside the sections' boundaries. AddressOfEntryPoint: 0x0
[=]     Done with loading ../examples/rootfs/x8664_windows\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
[=]     Loading ../examples/rootfs/x8664_windows\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll ...
[=]     Done with loading ../examples/rootfs/x8664_windows\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
[=]     Loading ../examples/rootfs/x8664_windows\Windows\System32\mscoree.dll ...
[=]     Done with loading ../examples/rootfs/x8664_windows\Windows\System32\mscoree.dll
0x4033ae:       jmp     qword ptr [rip + 0x402000]
[!]     api _CorExeMain is not implemented

这似乎是罪魁祸首,所以我尝试在 WinDbg 中使用命令 bu 0x4033ae0x4033ae 处设置断点。我也试过 bp.

0x102bdbd1:     push    rbx
0x102bdbd3:     sub     esp, 0x20
0x102bdbd7:     and     dword ptr [rsp + 0x30], 0
0x102bdbdd:     lea     ecx, [rsp + 0x30]
0x102bdbe1:     call    0x102b4548
0x102b4549:     push    rbx
0x102b454b:     sub     esp, 0x20
0x102b454e:     mov     eax, dword ptr [rip + 0x5b4dc]
[x]     CPU Context:
[x]     ah      : 0xff
... snip ...
[x]     gs      : 0x78
[x]     Hexdump:
[x]     8b 05 dc b4 05 00 48 8b
[x]     Disassembly:
[=]     102b454e [mscoree.dll          + 0x00154e]  8b 05 dc b4 05 00 48 8b d9 85 c0 75 05 e8 c4 fc ff ff 8b 05 ca b4 05 00 83 f8 02 75 0f 48 85 db 74 0a 48 8b 05 c9 b4 05 00 48 89 03 8b 05 b0 b4 05 00 48 83 c4 20 5b c3 cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccmov                  eax, dword ptr [0x5b4dc]
> dec                  eax
> mov                  ebx, ecx
> test                 eax, eax
> jne                  0x102b4560
> call                 0x102b4224
> mov                  eax, dword ptr [0x5b4ca]
> cmp                  eax, 2
> jne                  0x102b457a
> dec                  eax
> test                 ebx, ebx
> je                   0x102b457a
> dec                  eax
> mov                  eax, dword ptr [0x5b4c9]
> dec                  eax
> mov                  dword ptr [ebx], eax
> mov                  eax, dword ptr [0x5b4b0]
> dec                  eax
> add                  esp, 0x20
> pop                  ebx
> ret
> int3
> int3
> int3
> int3
> int3
> int3
> int3
> int3
[x]     PC = 0x102b454e (../examples/rootfs/x8664_windows\Windows\System32\mscoree.dll + 0x154e)

[=]     Memory map:
[=]     Start      End        Perm    Label          Image
[=]     00006000 - 0000c000   rwx     [FS/GS]
[=]     00030000 - 00031000   rwx     [GDT]
[=]     00400000 - 00408000   rwx     [PE]           snake.exe
[=]     05000000 - 05001000   rwx     [heap]
[=]     06000000 - 0c000000   rwx     [FS/GS]
[=]     10000000 - 101f5000   rwx     ntdll.dll      ../examples/rootfs/x8664_windows\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
[=]     101f5000 - 102b3000   rwx     kernel32.dll   ../examples/rootfs/x8664_windows\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
[=]     102b3000 - 10318000   rwx     mscoree.dll    ../examples/rootfs/x8664_windows\Windows\System32\mscoree.dll
[=]     fffdd000 - ffffe000   rwx     [stack]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  ... snip ...
  File "C:\Users\jonat\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.9_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python39\site-packages\unicorn\unicorn.py", line 465, in emu_start
    raise UcError(status)
unicorn.unicorn.UcError: Invalid memory mapping (UC_ERR_MAP)

在 WinDbg 中,我得到:

CommandLine: C:\Users\jonat\Documents\GitHub\synthesis\obfu\snake.exe

************* Path validation summary **************
Response                         Time (ms)     Location
Deferred                                       srv*
Symbol search path is: srv*
Executable search path is: 
ModLoad: 00e60000 00e68000   ConsoleGraphics.exe
ModLoad: 770f0000 77293000   ntdll.dll
ModLoad: 74810000 74862000   C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\MSCOREE.DLL
ModLoad: 74fb0000 750a0000   C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\KERNEL32.dll
ModLoad: 75fa0000 761b5000   C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\KERNELBASE.dll
(9b8.7854): Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=3c560000 edx=00000000 esi=77102054 edi=7710261c
eip=771a1ba2 esp=00fff9cc ebp=00fff9f8 iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=0023  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000246
771a1ba2 cc              int     3

这似乎是由 ntdll 触发的标准断点,但在触发时,我们已经传递了我尝试应用它的地址 0x4033ae。我意识到这可能是因为我的 OS / WinDbg 和 qiling 仿真中的执行上下文似乎对进程的寻址方案进行了不同的映射。我怎样才能开始调试这个问题,或者至少在 WinDbg 中找到相关的断点。

查询与 windbg 不完全相关

正如我评论的那样Qiling Framework 尚未实施 dotnet 并且需要有人贡献实施

因为这个查询也有一个 windbg 标签和一个调试标签
我一直想在 windows 机器
上测试 Qiling 框架一段时间了 我以此查询为契机

麒麟建立在unicorn emulation framework
之上 I have dabbled with unicorn and found it quiet useful

在 x64 windows10 机器上安装了 Qiling [pip3 install Qiling] windows 文档非常稀缺,并且在 github 存储库中指出的一个示例 disasm_x886_windows.py 在存储库



安装 Qiling 后,它需要一个虚拟文件系统来操作相关 windows dll 和注册表配置单元
这是通过使用 repo

中提供的 dllcollector.bat 完成的

基本上 collector.bat xcopies 相关的 32 位和 64 位 dll 和 reg 保存注册表配置单元

f:\>md QILING

f:\>cd QILING


f:\QILING>f:\wget\wget.exe -c https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qilingframework/qiling/master/examples/scripts/dllscollector.bat

2021-11-14 03:03:05 (1.28 MB/s) - 'dllscollector.bat' saved [10085/10085]


f:\QILING>file dllscollector.bat
dllscollector.bat: DOS batch file, ASCII text, with very long lines

Does F:\QILING\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\registry\NTUSER.DAT specify a file name
or directory name on the target
(F = file, D = directory)? f
C:\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT -> F:\QILING\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\registry\NTUSER.DAT
1 File(s) copied
The operation completed successfully.
snip all copy and save operations 

dllscollector.bat  examples

现在我们已经收集了 dll,让我们复制两个测试二进制文件
一个 x64 控制台应用程序和
另一个 .net 控制台二进制文件和
使用 QILING 框架

编写 python 脚本来模拟它们
dllscollector.bat  examples

f:\QILING>md testqiling

f:\QILING>xcopy ..\tbins .\testqiling\
3 File(s) copied

f:\QILING>cd testqiling

f:\QILING\testqiling>file *
mcall.exe:      PE32+ executable (GUI) x86-64, for MS Windows
printxcode.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows
qiliwin.py:     Python script, ASCII text executable, with CRLF line terminators
f:\QILING\testqiling>printxcode.exe |head -n 2
HResult is 80070057      xcode is E0434352      Value does not fall within the expected range.
HResult is 80004003      xcode is E0434352      Value cannot be null.

f:\QILING\testqiling>start /wait mcall.exe

f:\QILING\testqiling>echo %errorlevel%

添加 stop_on_exit_trap 是为了避免 mcall.exe 从 main() returns 到 crt 由于无法访问的 PC(0x0 作为 rip)
崩溃 trace 跟踪并打印所有执行的指令
verbose 提供了一些额外的日志

f:\QILING\testqiling>cat qiliwin.py
import os
from qiling import *
from qiling.const import QL_VERBOSE
from qiling.extensions import trace
os.system('') #bug explotation to make ansi colors
rootfs = r"F:\QILING\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows"
bin2exec = [
for binary in bin2exec:
    print("executing binary\n=====================\n%s\n=====================\n" % binary);
    ql = Qiling([binary],rootfs,verbose=QL_VERBOSE.DEBUG,stop_on_exit_trap=True)


qiling.exception.QlErrorFileNotFound: Cannot find dll in F:\QILING\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\System32\mscoree.dll

将 mscoree.dll 从 system32 复制到 rootfs/system2 并检查它再次崩溃并出现查询中指出的未映射错误

让我们在 x64 windbg 中打开 .net 二进制文件并检查

F:\QILING\testqiling>cdb -c "sxe ld:mscoree;g;q" printxcode.exe | awk /Reading/,/quit/
0:000> cdb: Reading initial command 'sxe ld:mscoree;g;q'
ModLoad: 00000000`77e30000 00000000`77e39000   C:\WINDOWS\System32\wow64cpu.dll
ModLoad: 00000000`73f90000 00000000`73fe2000   C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\MSCOREE.DLL

所以这个二进制文件需要来自 syswow

的 mscoree
f:\QILING\testqiling>copy c:\Windows\SysWOW64\mscoree.dll F:\QILING\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\System32\.
Overwrite F:\QILING\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\System32\.\mscoree.dll? (Yes/No/All): y
        1 file(s) copied.


F:\QILING\testqiling>python qiliwin.py
executing binary

[+]     Profile: Default
[+]     Windows Registry PATH: F:\QILING\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\registry
[=]     Initiate stack address at 0x7ffffffde000
[=]     Loading F:\QILING\testqiling\mcall.exe to 0x140000000
[=]     PE entry point at 0x140001030
[=]     TEB addr is 0x6000030
[=]     PEB addr is 0x60000b8
[=]     Loading F:\QILING\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll ...
[!]     Warnings while loading F:\QILING\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll:
[!]      - SizeOfHeaders is smaller than AddressOfEntryPoint: this file cannot run under Windows 8.
[!]      - AddressOfEntryPoint lies outside the sections' boundaries. AddressOfEntryPoint: 0x0
[+]     DLL preferred base address: 0x180000000
[=]     Done with loading F:\QILING\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
[=]     Loading F:\QILING\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll ...
[+]     DLL preferred base address: 0x180000000
[+]     DLL preferred base address is taken, loading to: 0x1801f0000
[=]     Done with loading F:\QILING\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
[+]     Done with loading F:\QILING\testqiling\mcall.exe
[+]     Setting up exit trap at 0x0x140004000
[+]     140001030 | 4883ec48                 sub        rsp, 0x48                                                | rsp = 0x0
[+]     140001034 | 41b803000000             mov        r8d, 0x3                                                 |
[+]     14000103a | ba02000000               mov        edx, 0x2                                                 |
[+]     14000103f | b901000000               mov        ecx, 0x1                                                 |
[+]     140001044 | e8b7ffffff               call       0x140001000                                              | rsp = 0x0, rip = 0x0
[+]     140001000 | 4489442418               mov        dword ptr [0x18], r8d                                    | rsp = 0x0, r8d = 0x0
[+]     140001005 | 89542410                 mov        dword ptr [0x10], edx                                    | rsp = 0x0, edx = 0x2
[+]     140001009 | 894c2408                 mov        dword ptr [0x8], ecx                                     | rsp = 0x0, ecx = 0x1
[+]     14000100d | 8b442410                 mov        eax, dword ptr [0x10]                                    | rsp = 0x0
[+]     140001011 | 8b4c2408                 mov        ecx, dword ptr [0x8]                                     | rsp = 0x0
[+]     140001015 | 03c8                     add        ecx, eax                                                 | ecx = 0x1, eax = 0x2
[+]     140001017 | 8bc1                     mov        eax, ecx                                                 | ecx = 0x3
[+]     140001019 | 03442418                 add        eax, dword ptr [0x18]                                    | eax = 0x3, rsp = 0x0
[+]     14000101d | c3                       ret                                                                 | rsp = 0x0
[+]     140001049 | 89442428                 mov        dword ptr [0x28], eax                                    | rsp = 0x0, eax = 0x6
[+]     14000104d | 41b806000000             mov        r8d, 0x6                                                 |
[+]     140001053 | ba07000000               mov        edx, 0x7                                                 |
[+]     140001058 | b908000000               mov        ecx, 0x8                                                 |
[+]     14000105d | e89effffff               call       0x140001000                                              | rsp = 0x0, rip = 0x0
[+]     140004000 | 90                       nop                                                                 |
[=]     Process returned from entrypoint (exit_trap)!
[+]     Syscalls called:
[+]     Registries accessed:
[+]     Strings:
executing binary

[+]     Profile: Default
[+]     Map GDT at 0x30000 with GDT_LIMIT=4096
[+]     Write to 0x30018 for new entry b'\x00\xf0\x00\x00\x00\xfeO\x00'
[+]     Write to 0x30028 for new entry b'\x00\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x96O\x00'
[+]     Write to 0x30070 for new entry b'\x00`\x00`\x00\xf6@\x00'
[+]     Write to 0x30078 for new entry b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf6@\x06'
[+]     Windows Registry PATH: F:\QILING\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\registry
[=]     Initiate stack address at 0xfffdd000
[=]     Loading F:\QILING\testqiling\printxcode.exe to 0x400000
[=]     PE entry point at 0x402eda
[=]     TEB addr is 0x6000
[=]     PEB addr is 0x6044
[=]     Loading F:\QILING\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll ...
[!]     Warnings while loading F:\QILING\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll:
[!]      - SizeOfHeaders is smaller than AddressOfEntryPoint: this file cannot run under Windows 8.
[!]      - AddressOfEntryPoint lies outside the sections' boundaries. AddressOfEntryPoint: 0x0
[+]     DLL preferred base address: 0x180000000
[+]     DLL preferred base address exceeds memory upper bound, loading to: 0x10000000
[=]     Done with loading F:\QILING\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
[=]     Loading F:\QILING\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll ...
[+]     DLL preferred base address: 0x180000000
[+]     DLL preferred base address exceeds memory upper bound, loading to: 0x101f0000
[=]     Done with loading F:\QILING\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
[=]     Loading F:\QILING\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\System32\mscoree.dll ...
[+]     DLL preferred base address: 0x10000000
[+]     DLL preferred base address is taken, loading to: 0x102b0000
[=]     Done with loading F:\QILING\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\System32\mscoree.dll
[+]     Done with loading F:\QILING\testqiling\printxcode.exe
[+]     Setting up exit trap at 0x0xc000000
[+]     00402eda | ff2500204000             jmp        dword ptr [0x402000]                                     |
[!]     api _CorExeMain is not implemented
[+]     102c4330 | 8bff                     mov        edi, edi                                                 | edi = 0x0
[+]     102c4332 | 56                       push       esi                                                      | esp = 0x0, esi = 0xffffd000
[+]     0c000000 | 90                       nop                                                                 |
[=]     Process returned from entrypoint (exit_trap)!
[+]     Syscalls called:
[+]     Registries accessed:
[+]     Strings: