"find | xargs | ls" 不是 运行 ls 查找文件名

"find | xargs | ls" not running ls on filenames from find


find . -type f | xargs -d "\n" | ls -lt


find . -type f | xargs -d "\n" | cat


xargs 只有在 ls 作为参数传递 时才能启动 ls。当您从 xargs 传输到 ls 时,只有 ls 的一个副本被启动——由父级 shell——并且它没有给出来自find | xargs 作为参数——它们在它的标准输入上,但是 ls 从不读取它的标准输入,所以它甚至不知道它们在那里.

因此,您需要删除 | 字符:

# Does what you specified in the common case, but buggy; don't use this
# (filenames can contain newlines!)
# ...also, xargs -d is GNU-only
find . -type f | xargs -d '\n' ls -lt


# uses NUL separators, which cannot exist inside filenames
# also, while a non-POSIX extension, this is supported in both GNU and BSD xargs
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 ls -lt


# no need for xargs at all here; find -exec can do the same thing
# -exec ... {} + is POSIX-mandated functionality since 2008
find . -type f -exec ls -lt {} +

此答案中的大部分内容也涵盖在 ActionsComplex ActionsActions 中Using Find 的 Bulk 节,非常值得一读。