Google 书籍 API 证书已过期

Google Books API certificate expired

我在 18.C 数据库上使用 Oracle Apex 19.1。 Apex 应用程序一直在调用 Google 书籍 API 并成功获取数据。
最近证书失败了。尽管到期日期是 2021 年 12 月 15 日,而今天是 2021 年 11 月 14 日,但证书现在失败了。当前(过期/过期)证书是:CN=GlobalSign,O=GlobalSign,OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R2

我阅读了 Google 地图 API 证书颁发机构 (CA) 已更改,但我似乎无法找到有关 Google 书籍 API 证书。 Books CA 有变化吗?如果 CA 相同,我该如何从 Google Books API 获取更新的证书?

I read the the Google Maps API Certificate Authority (CA) changed, but I can't seem to find out anything about the Google Books API certificate. Is the Books CA changing? If the CA is the same, how do I go about getting a newer certificate from Google Books API?

如果您查看 Google 书籍 API 端点证书(例如调用 in a web browser and examine the certificate (Chrome, Firefox),您会注意到该证书对 所有 Google APIs (*,包括地图和书籍。因此,要修复 Books API 证书链,您可以按照与 Maps API.


怎么做?也许 googling for "googleapis certificate chain import", first hit: Google Maps Platform Root CA Migration FAQ:

What to do in a production outage

The primary course of action for you is to install the required root certificates from the trusted Google root CA bundle into the root certificates store your application uses.

Note: This method varies per operating system, possibly even the SSL/TLS library your application uses. Therefore, please always first refer to your system documentation! However, you may still find useful information in section Managing your trusted certificates.

我既不了解 Oracle Apex 也不了解 Oracle Wallet,因此我无能为力。您的“系统文档”或您的本地管理员可能会有所帮助。祝你好运!