如何配置新的 google 驱动器以类似于旧的 google 备份和同步?

How to configure new google drive to resemble the old google backup and sync?

我在 OSX Big Sur,之前使用 Google 备份和同步在我的计算机和 google 驱动器之间同步文件。

我已经设置备份和同步来同步文件夹 /Users/doe/ODrive 中的所有文件,其中包含 16GB 的文件大小。

迁移到新的 google 驱动器后,因为备份和同步已被弃用,我看到了不同的行为。

新的 google 驱动器默认像 rclone 一样工作。它在 /Volumes/GoogleDrive 下创建一个虚拟驱动器,同时创建一个符号 link 到 /Users/doe/Google Drive 以便快速访问。


  1. 如果我选择离线访问任何文件,它会开始将它们下载到磁盘上,占用不必要的磁盘 space 因为我已经将所有文件下载到磁盘上,但在不同的位置 /Users/doe/ODrive.我如何告诉 google 驱动器使用这些文件而不下载任何东西?

  2. 新 google 驱动器中有一个首选项设置,允许为 google 驱动器选择所需的目录位置。如果我从当前设置 /Volumes/GoogleDrive ---> /Users/doe/ODrive 设置该首选项,那会不会弄乱我的 ODrive 文件夹及其内容?我宁愿死也不愿失去它的内容。

  3. Folders from my computerFolders from Drive有什么区别。这不是像 backup and sync 那样的双向通信吗?


  1. 如果我选择离线访问任何文件,它会开始将它们下载到磁盘上,占用不必要的磁盘 space,因为我已经将所有文件下载到磁盘上,但在不同的位置 /Users/doe/ODrive。我如何告诉 google 驱动器使用这些文件而不下载任何东西?


It seems like this is not possible. If you want to tell Google Drive to use those files and not download anything, the only option that you can do is to select the Stream Files option & then add the folder /Users/doe/ODrive on the My MacBook Pro preferences. This way, the files from your ODrive will be uploaded back to your drive instead. But, there's a catch as the uploaded files will be now be a duplicate because the Google Drive app will treat this as a new upload. And also, if you have Google Docs, Sheets, Slides or Forms on your ODrive, the app seems to not upload these files back & it will show you an error on the app's activity screen.

Once the folder /Users/doe/ODrive on the My MacBook Pro preferences has been successfully added & synced, you will then see the ODrive folder on your drive.google.com > Computers (left side) > My MacBook Pro > ODrive. At the same time, the ODrive files are backed up and synced from your Drive to your computer and will also be available for offline use

  1. 新的 google 驱动器中有一个首选项设置,允许为 google 驱动器选择所需的目录位置。如果我从当前设置 /Volumes/GoogleDrive ---> /Users/doe/ODrive 设置该首选项,那会不会弄乱我的 ODrive 文件夹及其内容?我宁愿死也不愿失去它的内容。


No. The Google Drive app will show you a message to reset the folder back to default because it has to be an empty folder before you attempt to change & save the default directory folder


  1. Folders from my computerFolders from Drive 有什么区别。这不是像 backup and sync 那样的双向通信吗?


On my observation, Folders from my computer is the section where you can see/access all of the synced folders that you've added from the Google Drive app, on the My Macbook Pro preferences. You can then view these folders and their synced files at drive.google.com > Computers (left side option) > My MacBook Pro