为什么括号会影响 TypeScript 中的类型缩小?

Why do parentheses affect type narrowing in TypeScript?


let str: string = 'abc';
let val: unknown = 'test';

if (typeof val === 'string') {
    str = val;
// this code does not report any error, everything works fine.


if ((typeof val) === 'string') { 
    str = val; 
// add the () to hold typeof val;
// error report in typescript in this line: str = val !

TS Playground link


TypeScript 的 typeof type guards 小心翼翼。 typeof val是一个字符串,你可以对它进行任意的字符串操作,但是typeof val === "string"是一个特殊的构造,当表达式为true时,它会缩小val的类型。因此,TypeScript 被显式编程为匹配 typeof ${reference} ${op} ${literal}${literal} ${op} typeof ${reference}(对于 op = ==!====!==),但是typeof ${reference} 没有内置括号容差(这是 SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression 而不是 SyntaxKind.TypeOfExpression)、字符串操作或其他任何东西。

TypeScript 负责人 Ryan Cavanaugh 在 microsoft/TypeScript#42203, "typeof type narrowing acts differently with equivalent parentheses grouping", with gratitude to jcalz 中为 link 描述了这一点:

Narrowings only occur on predefined syntactic patterns, and this isn't one of them. I could see wanting to add parens here for clarity, though -- we should detect this one too.

这听起来像是未来修复的候选者,但即使添加了模式,您仍然会在某种程度上限制作为类型保护的 typeof 表达式的复杂性。

来自编译器源代码 microsoft/TypeScript main/src/compiler/checker.ts,评论我的:

function narrowTypeByBinaryExpression(type: Type, expr: BinaryExpression, assumeTrue: boolean): Type {
  switch (expr.operatorToken.kind) {
    // ...
    case SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsToken:
    case SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsToken:
    case SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken:
    case SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken:
        const operator = expr.operatorToken.kind;
        const left = getReferenceCandidate(expr.left);
        const right = getReferenceCandidate(expr.right);
        // Check that the left is typeof and the right is a string literal...
        if (left.kind === SyntaxKind.TypeOfExpression && isStringLiteralLike(right)) {
            return narrowTypeByTypeof(type, left as TypeOfExpression, operator, right, assumeTrue);
        // ...or the opposite...
        if (right.kind === SyntaxKind.TypeOfExpression && isStringLiteralLike(left)) {
            return narrowTypeByTypeof(type, right as TypeOfExpression, operator, left, assumeTrue);
        // ...or skip it and move on. Don't bother trying to remove parentheses
        // or doing anything else clever to try to make arbitrary expressions work.
        if (isMatchingReference(reference, left)) {
            return narrowTypeByEquality(type, operator, right, assumeTrue);
        if (isMatchingReference(reference, right)) {
            return narrowTypeByEquality(type, operator, left, assumeTrue);
        // ...
  return type;