本地主机上的 Contao 4.9 - 没有加载资产

Contao 4.9 on localhost - no assets loaded

我刚刚尝试将本地 Contao CMS 4.4 升级到 4.9,之后所有资产都得到 404。


cd web && php -S localhost:8190

例如:/assets/images/f/ReferenzenMaler-4cd0728f.jpg - 我可以在 /assets/images/deferred/f 中看到一个 ReferenzenMaler-4cd0728f.jpg.json 并且该文件的内容指向 /files/cto_layout/...[= 中的现有文件14=]


您需要确保任何对不存在的物理资源的请求都由 Contao 处理。例如如果你使用 nginx 并且你有一个以 jpgpng 等结尾的任何 URL 的指令(这很常见),你需要确保这个指令还有一个 try_files 用于 index.php.

因此,如果您想将 contao 与 build-in php webserver (php -S) 一起使用,您需要像@fritzmg 提到的那样通过 index.php 路由资产。

事实证明,稍微调整过的 drupal .ht.router.php 也适用于此:


 * @file
 * Router script for the built-in PHP web server.
 * The built-in web server should only be used for development and testing as it
 * has a number of limitations that makes running Drupal on it highly insecure
 * and somewhat limited.
 * Note that:
 * - The server is single-threaded, any requests made during the execution of
 *   the main request will hang until the main request has been completed.
 * - The web server does not enforce any of the settings in .htaccess in
 *   particular a remote user will be able to download files that normally would
 *   be protected from direct access such as .module files.
 * The router script is needed to work around a bug in PHP, see
 * https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61286.
 * Usage:
 * php -S localhost:8888 .ht.router.php
 * @see http://php.net/manual/en/features.commandline.webserver.php

$url = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if (strpos($url['path'], 'contao-manager.phar.php') > -1 || file_exists(__DIR__ . $url['path'])) {
  // Serve the requested resource as-is, also if it calls for the contao manager.
  return FALSE;

// Work around the PHP bug.
$path = $url['path'];
$script = 'index.php';
if (strpos($path, '.php') !== FALSE) {
  // Work backwards through the path to check if a script exists. Otherwise
  // fallback to index.php.
  do {
    $path = dirname($path);
    if (preg_match('/\.php$/', $path) && is_file(__DIR__ . $path)) {
      // Discovered that the path contains an existing PHP file. Use that as the
      // script to include.
      $script = ltrim($path, '/');
  } while ($path !== '/' && $path !== '.');

// Update $_SERVER variables to point to the correct index-file.
$index_file_absolute = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $script;
$index_file_relative = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $script;

// SCRIPT_FILENAME will point to the router script itself, it should point to
// the full path of index.php.
$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = $index_file_absolute;

// SCRIPT_NAME and PHP_SELF will either point to index.php or contain the full
// virtual path being requested depending on the URL being requested. They
// should always point to index.php relative to document root.
$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = $index_file_relative;
$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = $index_file_relative;

// Require the script and let core take over.

然后cd web && php -S localhost:8190 .ht.router.php